Chapter 6

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It was visible that Harry was weaker than Draco had ever seen, but he was alive and that's all that he cared about. As he watched Harry turn and moan, he felt an ache deep in his chest and a desire to comfort the boy in pain. Draco was never one to care about people's wellbeing, but Harry was different. Draco crossed the room and crawled into the small bed with Harry. Draco turned Harry over to spoon and smelt the familiar smell that always meant comfort and love for Draco. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist lightly so he wouldn't hurt him and Harry placed his hands limply in front of his own face. Harry still moaned slightly, but seemed more calm now that the warmth of Draco was by his side.

"What do you think you're doing!" Someone yelled in Draco's ear and caused Draco to awake. Draco blinked to adjust his eyes and turned his head to look straight into the cold eyes of Sirius Black. He wished to scream louder than he ever had, but tried to keep himself under control so Harry wouldn't be disturbed. He quickly, but silently rose from the bed a practically jumped across the room, towards the door.

As Draco was going to run out, Hermione walked in with Ron. "No, Sirius, he's alright. He's Harry's boyfriend. Harry told me about it in a letter over the summer." Hermione said and seemed to be in the spirit of Christmas, for she didn't even give Draco one dirty look, but actually was polite. "How're you, Draco? I figured Dumbledore would send you here soon." Draco gave an awkward look and a half shrug. He was still freaked out that Sirius was in the same room as him.

Ron seemed to have already been aware, but Sirius did not seem happy about it. "Wait, but Harry hates Malfoy, just like his father." Sirius said.

"Hated." Hermione responded briefly. "Now, Draco, I'm sure you must be hungry or thirsty. Ron and I will show you to the kitchen." Draco tried to smile, but didn't like the idea of a room full of people who hated him watching him eat. It was a time of vulnerability and he was not comfortable at all with the offer. But he went along and when they arrived at the table, the only person who seemed to still have an issue with him was Ron's mother.

He happily drank butterbeer and chatted about Quidditch, but every few seconds Ron's mother would glare at him with extreme dislike in her eyes. "I really don't think we should be inviting him in like this. He was the one who was with Harry, so how do we not know he's the one who nearly killed Harry?" Mrs. Weasley finally blurted out and everyone at the table went quiet.

"Mum, I may not have been the biggest fan of Draco, but even I know that someone our age wouldn't be able to do a spell that could make his blood diseased and his scar gush blood." Ron said and made Draco feel slightly better because at least Harry's best friend didn't suspect him. They argued the rest of breakfast, until Draco got bored of staring blankly into his butterbeer and left them to argue amongst themselves. He trotted up the stairs, into the hall and up more stairs until he arrived where Harry was.

When he walked in Harry seemed still barely conscious, but his words could be slightly understood. "" These words were repeated over and over again, but all Draco could do was take a seat next to him on the bed and hold his hand tightly.

Listening to these words made Draco's well up with tears and his heart ache like it did when he watched Harry slowly become sicker in St. Mungo's. "Same words, all the time." Draco heard someone say disappointed from behind him and when he turned Sirius was leaning up against the doorway. "He's getting stronger, though. I'm not pleased that a Malfoy is in my house, but he apparently would be. Damn, Kreacher!" Sirius was calm until they heard Kreacher muttering and the clink of metal. Sirius ran off and left Draco alone with Harry, once again.

"Hey, Scarhead, you've got to become stronger so I can show you off to everyone in my house, alright?" Draco didn't expect any words to be spoken back and his expectations were correct, but he felt a tighter grip in his hand and a weak smile on the boy's face.

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