Voice Mails

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Voice Mails


Niall: “Hey, uhm, it’s Niall from the concert. You gave me your number after I let you wear my sweatshirt.” [laughter], “I will need that back eventually… so I figured that maybe you and I could, I don’t know, meet up for food or something. I mean, if you like food. I mean, of course you like food. Uhm, you can pick out where we go if you want. I’ve always been a fan of Nando’s meself, but anywhere’s good. Yeah so… Call me back and let me know… This is Niall by the way. Did I already say that? Fuck. Uh, you have my sweatshirt. Bye.”

Zayn: “Babe, babe, babe. Pick up the phone. Please, please, please pick up the phone. I have no idea what your parents would like for dinner and I can’t believe you sent me to do the shopping. You know I can never decide on anything! Ugh, great, now people are staring at me because I’m yelling into the phone… Look, I’m sorry. I’m frustrated- And nervous. So damn nervous. God, what if they don’t like me? Babe, what if they-… Nevermind. Call me back, please. Love you.”

Louis: “Really? Forwarding it to voicemail again? Mature. You know, that’s so typically of you to do after fights. And after all I’m just calling to apologize… I, uh, I know that I messed up at the restaurant. I’m sorry I said what I did. I just meant that-… Ugh, I really wish you’d pick up right now because I need to tell you that I’m so sorry. I’m still mad at you and I know you’re furious with me but I needed to say it. I’m sorry. Really fucking sorry. Please answer my calls.”

Liam: “Hey baby girl. I know you’re at work and I shouldn’t calling you but it’s important. Well, semi-important. Okay, honestly, on a scale of one to ten in importance, it’s like a five and a half. Anyways, I left the studio early because I’m sick with the flu. I think Niall gave it to me. But I can’t find any of the soup you always make me when I get sick. You know. It’s the good kind with the chicken and mushrooms. I think that would make me feel ten times better, but alas you aren’t home and I can’t find it. So if you could give me a ring when your on lunch break, that’d be wonderful. Love you lots.”

Harry: “Hi, erm, I know you’re sleeping right know and I’m sorry for calling so late I was just hoping that maybe you’d answer. I just miss you- well, honestly I just miss you so fucking much.. And it’s weird, you know, because I don’t miss people usually and I don’t know what’s got me so stuck on you. And it’s like, painful sometimes, when I think about you because you aren’t next to me. And I’m just sitting here, alone in this hotel bed on the other side of the world thinking about how much nicer it’d be if you were in it with me. I just, I don’t know, it’d be less lonely somehow. Uhm, so, call me in the morning. I miss you.”

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