The moment he realizes he's falling in love with you*

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The moment he realizes he's falling in love with you

Harry: I’ve known her for so long. I’ve known her from before One Direction. I’ve known her through my adventure in One Direction. I’ve known her for ten years. But it was only now… Sitting next to her and my best mates, surrounding a campfire, that I realized I was actually falling in love with her. And I couldn’t really pin point when it actually happened. Maybe it was the way her dimples showed when she brightly laughed about something Louis said. Maybe it was the way she brushed her hand through her hair and silently played with the ends of it. Maybe it was the way our eyes met every few seconds and every time they did I saw this beautiful sparkle in hers. Maybe it was the way she sat next to me, closer than anyone else, almost touching. And the moments she did touch me, I felt my whole body react to it. I didn’t know what it was, making me realize that I loved this girl. I loved every single thing about her. And it was in that moment, I promised myself that I would tell her. Because somewhere deep inside of me, I knew, I felt and I sensed that she just felt the same way.

Louis: I didn’t even see her coming. Liam passed me the ball and just when my foot touched the object, she was there, stealing the football away from me. ‘I got it! I got it!’ She yelled excited while she was running towards the goal. And normally I would’ve ran up to her. I knew I could do it. Easily. But for a second I was nailed to the ground, watching her run. Her hair was blowing in the wind. Her cheeks were a beautiful flushed pink. Her eyes stood alive and happy. And it was in that moment, I realized, what a remarkable girl I had here in front of me. She scored and I faintly heard Niall and Harry sheer for her. But instead of running to her teammates, I saw her running back to me, with the happiest smile that was so contagious, I couldn’t do anything else than do the same thing. ‘Did you see me, Lou? God, I owned you big time!’ She said when her arms flew around me, and I was happy to answer her hug. Her scent filled my nose and I realized I was falling in love with her. And when I did, I tightened my grip, just a bit more. I wanted to say something funny. I wanted to keep my face straight. But there was no use. I loved her. And I wanted her to know. ‘Definitely my girl.’ I whispered in her hair. She suddenly let go and faced me, looking surprised just before her lips formed to a warm and loving smile. ‘Definitely Louis’ girl.’ She replied when she wrapped her arms around me again and I couldn’t feel more happy.  

Niall: She asked me to go shopping with her. Her friend’s birthday was coming up and she needed someone to help her with a present. So I tried to disguise myself just a little bit, in order to not be bothered with paparazzi, and we both strolled around oxford street. I saw her eyes fall on a little bookstore and I just knew, she wanted to go inside. Not for her friend, but just for her. She loved books. And although it was not the plan to do other things than finding a present, I grabbed her hand and she followed my lead to the bookstore. ‘Ni, it doesn’t matter. The longer we stay, the more chance there is they’ll recognize y-…’ But I cut her off right there. ‘Doesn’t matter. Just have a look.’ I said while opening the door of the shop for her. And she answered my gesture with a bright smile. While she was strolling between the old bookshelves, I did the same thing, but with my eyes on her. The way her hands touched the books, made me want to feel her touch as well. The way her lips slowly curled upwards while reading the back of a book, made me want to kiss them and never leave them again. I knew I was falling in love with her. And when her eyes met mine, the feeling just grew stronger. ‘I like this one.’ She said while holding up the book she had picked out. My lips formed into a crooked smile when I answered her. ‘I like you.’ My voice spoke softly. Her eyes changed from surprised, to relieved, to a warm look. And when she replied again, I felt her fingers touch my hand. ‘I like you too.’

Zayn: ‘But she’s touching his chest now. He takes off her dress now. Let me go.’ Her voice filled the car and I smiled hearing her sing along with her favourite song. We were doing a road trip, something we always did when I had time off from One Direction. It was a great way to be out, but not be surrounded with fans or paparazzi. We took a lot of food with us and she made playlists of her and my favourite songs. Probably my most favourite moments of our road trips where the ones where she sang along with the music. ‘I just can’t look it’s killing me. And taking control.’ Her voice continued. She was a very good singer, although she would never want me to say it out loud. I knew it was something she never did with anyone else around. She only sang when she was with me. And that made me feel so honoured when she did. ‘Sing with me Zayn!’ She yelled really fast, just before the refrain start, and I smiled when I sang the words with her. ‘Jealousy, turning saints into the sea. Swimming through sick lullabies. Choking on your alibis. But it’s just the price I pay. Destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes. Cause I’m Mr. Brightside.’ I stopped where she continued and quickly looked at her beside me, completely throwing herself into the song, before looking back at the road again. I loved her. I was in love with her. I realized it while singing with her. I felt our hearts connect. And maybe it was because she grabbed my hand in the middle of the refrain and squeezed it full of excitement and happiness. And I never wanted her to ever stop having that feeling. I didn’t let go off her hand. I was still holding it. And she wasn’t pulling away.

Liam: I found her at my front door, 2:30 am. Still wearing her pyjamas, crazy bed hair and just a travel bag with her. ‘Nightmare?’ I asked softly and I felt bad for her when she nodded. This was the third time this week she came all the way from her own place, to mine, just to lay with me. Somehow it made her feel safe. And of course she was safe here. I would always make sure she was safe. I let her in straight away and she followed my lead to my bedroom. The first night she came, I told her to lay in my bed. I would sleep on the couch. But her questioning look confused me right away. ‘Why don’t you just lay with me?’ She had said. And since then, we laid next to each other, every time she came over. And every night we spend together, my love for her only grew. Watching her sleep, soft and sound beside me, gave me this feeling of being content and happy. Waking up next to her, made me not just feel less alone, it made me feel loved somehow. The way she smiled well rested. The way we talked for at least an hour before we decided to actually get up. Every night I felt myself hoping she would come. And every time the doorbell rang, a smile instantly appeared on my face, longing for having her lying next to me again. And when she crawled into bed, I could swear to see a glimpse of that same happiness in her eyes. I was falling in love… just like her. 

NOTE: Hi! I’m back :D Yay!! This was so fun to write it's just so CUTE!


Love_Me_Hemmo (Changing my name to @CXRAMELCLIFFORD )

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