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~~~~ Y/N's POV ~~~~

So now all eight of us stood in front of a house that's made out of wood which is not suprising since we're in a forest . However , it did seem kinda familiar .

Why does this look so familiar ??

My thoughts were cut off when Jeno just entered the house without even knocking on the door , with the boys following behind and Mark dragging me in . Once we stepped in , Hell did it look freaking familiar ??!! I then groaned as my mind hurts . I then clutched onto Mark as my mind keeps hurting itself .

//// Flashback ////

Y/N : I don't think they will like me , Oppa .

Mark : They will Y/N . If they don't then I will punch them in the face . Now come on .

Mark then dragged you into his wooden house which is located in the middle of a forest . Once you guys were in , he then called his brothers and in like 30 seconds , you see a bunch of boys tumbling down the stairs which made you chuckle silently . They then arranged themselves in a straight line in front of you and Mark , smiling idiotically .

Mark : So boys , this is Y/N , my girlfriend .

I shyly waved as they started waving crazily . Someone needs to send them to the asylum asap . Just then , a boy who had crescent like eyes approached me then bowed .

?? : Annyeonghaseyo , Jeno imnida .

Followed by a boy who had a cute snaggletooth .

?? : Annyeonghaseyo , Renjun imnida .

Followed by an innocent looking boy .

?? : Hi I'm Haechan but you can call me Savage boy . *flips fake hair*

Umm ... okay ?? .

Followed by a boy who had the cutest smile ever , besides Mark of course .

?? : I'm Jaemin but you can call me tonight ;) .

Haechan : Excuse me bitch , you have Jeno remember ??

Jeno : He was just praticing Haechan .

Jaemin : Praticing for you . *winks at Jeno*

?? : MOVING ON !! Hi , I'm CHENLE !!

?? : *mumbles* I'm Jisung .

Haechan : Louder please .

Jisung : J-Jisung .

You can obviously tell that he's the shy one . But nonetheless , he is still adorable .

~~~~ End of Flashback ~~~~

Mark : Y/N !!

Then everything blacked out for you .

~~~~ END ~~~~

This chapter sucks since I'm like in a rush right now . A rush to sleep since my classes are starting early tomorrow morning so I gotta freshen up a little . 💞💞💞

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