4- Sign

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"So let me get this straight. Three years ago, you guys and some friends got trapped in a game of Salem?" Leo questioned, as the four walked down the tiled hallway.

"Yeah, we were." Parker replied, "It was pretty dramatic though, and I well... nevermind."

"I went and died night one!" Claire said, laughing and trying to lighten the mood.

"So basically, you're saying that if we die in game we won't actually die right?" Symphony asked. "Cause if that's the case, I feel much more relieved."

"I guess," Claire told her "But for all we know this one could be..." She trailed off as the white hallway became the entrance to a dark-wood room. The walls were made of a shiny oak, and everything glistened in the dark. The many people who were also in game, began murmuring to each other, many sounding frightened. It was when all had passed through the doorway, that they slammed shut and the last remaining bit of light was extinguished.

"Not again!"

"Oh come on! Seriously?"

"Just tell us what's going on already this suspense thing is killing me!"

Claire was frozen, not sure what to do. She could hear Symphony begin to hyperventilate next to her, but didn't know how to comfort her friend. Then, she felt something grab her. Parker, Leo, and Symphony all cried out as they too felt something grab ahold of them.

"Lumega Labs will now begin the game." The metallic female voice said. "Enjoy your time, and we hope to see you on the other side."

"What's going on?!"

"Why are we being lifted into the air?!"

"What the heck is happening!?"

Whatever had grabbed her was now lifting her up into the air. Claire struggled, trying to escape but it was no use. She felt the walls around her suddenly become close. She could no longer hear her friend's shouts of protest, as some kind of tube closed around her, and she was standing yet again on solid ground. The small light from a screen illuminated her surroundings, and she saw she was surrounded by metal, a small panel in the wall where she had come through. Looking back to the screen, she saw an intro beginning to play. The now familiar "Welcome to Lumega labs" came again, but this time it was accompanied by a logo on screen. Claire stood there waiting to see what this was about, when a role flashed across her screen. She breathed a sigh or relief that it was green, and waited for what would come next.

Lying in a hospital bed, a brown-haired girl was fast asleep. She kept mumbling to herself, though even if anyone had been there, they wouldn't have known what she was saying. After a moment, she began to open her eyes. Blinking a few times, she sat up. Then, ever so quietly, she spoke.

"Lumega Labs..."

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