Prologue: After the battle with Sagitta

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After Aquarius said Libra ran off I was thinking to myself why would he just run off like that not saying a word to me about it. Then I asked " where the hell did he go"? And Aquarius said " I don't know after you took those guys he got back up and ran off without saying anything to anyone". And that made me think again about where he go to after that I saw that Sagitta was still breathing so I went up to him stepped on his chest and said "what the hell is this operation hybrid and why did you experimented it on me asshole"? Then he said " operation hybrid was the experiment to create a hybrid of a constellation and a demon and it was a success" as he laughed. I punched him and said "what the hell is your issue man you just can't test things on people". After that he said " I'm sorry ms. I'll never ever do that ever again". And I said " good and now go away" and he said " yes ma'am" got up and ran away. After that I went back to the others and said "ok we need to sit down and make a plan" and Virgo asked " for what Sagittarius"? And Aquarius joined in and said to "find Libra". Then Leo said " that was my job" and Aries said " let her talk" then everyone took their seats and looked at me and I said " Libra could be anywhere so we'll split up to find him". "Here's the plan there are seven continents and eleven of us if we spilt up we can find him ok Leo and Aries you get North America, Taurus and Capricorn you get South America, Aquarius and Scorpio you get Europe, Virgo and Cancer you get Africa, Pisces you get Australia, Gemini you get Asia, And I'll take Antarctica is everyone ok with the plan"? " Yes" everyone said in agreement and I said " great let's get to work".

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