Chapter Three: Sage is a demon

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After Aquarius saw the mark on my arm i went to the bathroom and tried to wash it off but i wouldn't budge. Then Aquarius came in and i asked " is there anything on my back"? As i lifted up my shirt and she said "yeah it's a continuation of the mark on your arm" then i thought to myself i need to find out what it is. So I ran out of the bathroom and went to libra and asked "can you help me figure this mark out"? And I showed him and he said "that's a demon's mark that must've been from the operation hybrid a few months ago and we have to test your levels to make sure you aren't in any danger". That was the first i have heard this but i am curious about what kind of demon powers i have. So i told Libra "test away" and that's when the testing began and for hours we went through every test imaginable and a few hours later i got results and Libra said "your levels are fine for now but i don't know what kinda of powers you now possess but we can test it though". And i said "ok" we got to testing right away and it was the same course from when i learned that i was sagittarius and the rules were the same and i started firing from all angles until i saw Sagitta punching Aquarius in the face i got so angry that dark flames came out and gave me a new look i saw from a glimpse which was a short black kimono with one attached sleeve and one detached sleeve, black thigh high socks and black knee high boots, and my hair was in a high ponytail with two strands of hair off to the sides then i ran up to Sagitta and hit him with my fist of flames and Libra said "you are the demon of fire".

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