Chapter Two: Sagittarius discovers something new

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After I found Libra and told the others we all decided to go home and continue on with the search for Long and Hang as well as preparing to battle more constellations and learning more about operation hybrid and why was it created? So I said to Libra "was it a good idea to leave without telling anyone where you went and why you went there"? "No Sagittarius it wasn't a good idea" said Libra and I said to Libra "what made you do that anyway"? Then his friend Digger jumps in and says " he felt like it was his fault you got kidnapped and severely hurt" and Libra yelled " Digger I didn't want her to know" and I said "it wasn't your fault it was mine I did go off on my own". And that was the end of the conversation as we sat the rest of the ride in silence. Then we got home and everyone said "welcome back Libra and hello friend of Libra's" and Digger said "the name's Digger nice to meet you mates" and Aquarius said "hey how are you" and he said " I'm good but I must go register to be a student here". Then Digger walked away and everyone looked at Libra angrily and he said "what's up with the angry faces"? And I said "we're mad at you for running the hell away, not saying a word , and us searching for your stupid ass for three months and we finally find you and you can't explain your damn self" then I stormed off and Aquarius followed behind me. After that I went in the bathroom and started to wash my face because it was red then I saw a black marking and then started rolling up my sleeve and saw it went up my arm and then Aquarius came walking in and said "are you ok... Woah what the fuck is that on your arm"? " I don't know but can you check if it's else where"? I asked and then she lifted up my shirt and said " we need to find Leo cause it's on your back too".

The Twelve Zodiacs: Constellation RevolutionWhere stories live. Discover now