Chapter One: The Search For Libra

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After the team and I noticed that Libra ran off somewhere without telling us we decided to split up and go hunt for him all around the world. "We haven't found him yet here Sagittarius and we are in the fiftieth state" Aries said through video communication. And I said "don't stress it we'll find him" then I get a call from Capricorn and he said "we haven't found him here and we're in Peru" I said "it's ok we'll keep looking for him". Next I get a call from the twins and they said "we looked all through most of Asia and no sign of him" I said " we'll find them Gemini". Now Aquarius called and said "we went all through Europe and he's not here" I said "we'll find him I know it". After that the guys called and said " Libra is not in Australia" I said "it's ok Pisces". A call from Virgo and she says " no sign of Libra here and we went through all of Africa" I said ok then that means he has to be where I am". As I started walking in the cold artic wind progressing through when I saw two figures there one tall one short and the short one was holding a gun to the tall one. I had to act quickly so I grabbed my bow and arrow and shot at the short figure and I hit it and the voice yelled "ouch what the hell was that". And I walked out and said "sorry it looked like you were going to shoot someone" and they man who was short , tan ,and had black hair said "don't worry about it sweetie name's Digger and you are" "Sage" I said "I'm looking for my friend Levi he's tall, tan, black hair" digger said " he's behind you". So I turn around and slap him and said " why did you leave without telling me jerk". And he said "I'll explain later Sage" after that I called the others and said "I got him and were heading home". So I grabbed Libra and Digger wanted to come so we all climbed on a plane and went home.

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