Chapter Four: Getting used to being a demon

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After i learned the fact that i am the demon of fire i wanted to grasp the fact of the whole constellation-demon hybrid thing. So what i did was walked up to the training area and picked up my bow and my arrows and activated my demon from and started to try to shoot the targets but as i tried i missed then i thought maybe I need a new weapon so i went to the arsenal cabinet and saw a couple of revolvers so i took them and headed back to the practice area and stared down the guns to the targets and then i started to shoot and with each time bullets were shot they hit the targets until Libra said "what the hell where did all of that come from" and i turned around and said "i guess demon from gives me even more accuracy ehhaha". And Aquarius yelled "damn that was impressive girl". After that statement Libra suggested that with my demon power i should upgrade my weapon so i took the revolvers and made them my own i called one Love & Sin and the other i called The Miracle. And after that we decided to give the further testing a break and enjoy the rest of the day for awhile so we could rest up and get prepared to continue going after Long and Hang and stop their constellation army and who knows maybe demons now. But now is not the time to stress so I left the lab and met up with the gang and headed to dinner and a walk on the boardwalk and maybe the carnival there too but all i know is that we had a long, rough couple of months and now it is time to relax and enjoy the leisure time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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