You take a picture together |Ashton Irwin|

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"Hey, Ash..' You mutter walking into your boyfriend, Ashton's bedroom, tapping on the lens of your new camera.

"Hey.. Is that the Camera you ordered of EBay? Sweet!" He jumps from his bed taking it from your hands.

"Hey!" You squeak reaching up to snatch it back but he holds it high in the air snapping a picture of you both.

"Ashton!" You manage to snatch the camera out of his hand looking at the picture he took.

He was pulling the duck face and you looked shocked. You couldn't help but laugh. "I'm so printing that and sending it to all out friends as a Christmas card." He grins falling back onto his bed.

"You are not to lay a single finger on this camera again, is that clear, Mr Irwin?" You laugh wiping the lens with your t-shirt.

"Crystal." Ashton winks at you.

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