Allergies//Ashton Irwin

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"Honey I'm Ho... WHAT IS THAT." Ashton drops his bag to the floor and presses his back against the wall.

"It's a cat, Ashton." You look down to the calico cat that was curled up on your lap.

"Why is it here," Ashton pulls a funny face "I'm going to sneeze. (Y/N) MY ALLERGIES." Ashton dramatically puts a hand on his chest, deeply breathing.

"Ashton. He is no where near you." You roll your eyes.

"I don't care!" He snaps "That bloody thing better be out of this house when I come back." He flings the door open and storms out, leaving you alone with a cat that's homeless.

You look down at the cat. "Well little man.. I suppose this is goodbye," You run your hand down his small, thin body "Not for you, though," You look up to the door with sadness in your eyes "For him."


Okay, before anyone says anything I just want ya'll to imagine there were other problems in the relationship so you didn't leave him because of the cat you left for other reasons.

Now. Something sad to me happened yesterday.

I was sitting in the car with my mum and we were on our way into the town so I could get my teeth x-rayed (I need braces) and I brought my 5SoS album that I got for Christmas in the car so I could listen to it for the first time and I opened the case and guess what. No CD. I cried. I'm so depressed about it because we can't do anything about it and I doubt my ma' would buy me another one :(

And I think I have a crush on Bruno Mars.

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