The Candle Man

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//: Hi! This is my first Disney/Beauty and the Beast fanfic, about my favorite character Babette (aka: the featherduster, fifi, or plumette)! Largely inspired by both the movie and the play. A "what if" scenario in which Babette comes into contact with Gaston. It's very unique and I hope you enjoy!!! Thanks!

P.S. This takes place /after/ the events of Beauty and the Beast

He was all she could have wished for in a man: suave, handsome, confident. The only thing she didn't like was that he wasn't hers.

Lumiere had liked a lot of girls. Yes he loved Babette, but he liked a lot of girls. The list of girls and affairs went on and on: Simone, Michelle, Veronique, Angelique. A never-ending list of maids, decorators, seamstresses, and other castle servants.

Babette had never liked anyone but Lumiere as her time as a maid. Did she sneak around with other men? Yes. But this "sneaking around" was purely to make Lumiere jealous and had nothing to do with her actual desires.

Regardless, through thick and thin, jealousy and attraction, the couple never lost their spark. After dating for a near seven years now, nothing could break them apart. Or so she thought.

To be fair, he had been pursuing other girls for years and years. Kissing them, taking them on walks, charming them to no amends. But she remained loyal as she could, making her personal endeavors public so that he could take note of the jealousy.

Recently though, everything had been going wonderfully. Neither had been sneaking off with anyone else, but each other. After a long shift of preparing and serving lunch, the two snuck off to their everyday session in Lumiere's room. It was hard to keep civil and professional while working in such close quarters with each other. So this was their relieve every afternoon.

"How's it going, ma chérie?" Lumiere uttered, trying to make small talk as he shut the door to his quarters.

Babette solely responded with a smirk, luring him over to the bed slowly. He hit the bed with a light thud and sat down in response. Pulling her graciously onto his lap, she tucked her legs daintily to the side and worked her way towards him.

Playfully running her fingers through his hair, he leaned forward and met his lips to hers eagerly. Kissing was all they did normally. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Who knew what he did with other girls, but this is what he did with her. She stopped him a lot. Generally boundaries and slight feminism reigned important to her and she stressed it. He loved it about her.

She reluctantly gave in and let him kiss her. He gently rested his arms around her back. He loved kissing her, but this time was different. He loved her. In no world could he imagine his life without this beautiful woman. He wanted to propose to her, but when? How?

It would have to be outside in the garden. The spot of their first date. Snow would be gently falling. She loved the way the snow fell on the trees and sat there gracefully. He loved the way the snow fell in her hair and made it messy but beautiful.

He would deliver a speech. Maybe not a speech necessarily, as it seems too prepared. There would be flowers, but what flowers bloomed in the garden during winter? His head spun. He needed advice and quick. Moving his lips faster against hers, he finally had an idea.

"Angelique" he uttered aloud, the voice sounding more slurred than he expected. That's exactly who he would ask!

She stopped in her tracks. Angelique? Again? By no means would he pursuing the decorator again? Backing up, she looked at him with pain and disgust.

"Angelique? I meet with you again under the same circumstances. You're not thinking clearly, just running through the motions. And now you're moaning another girl's name?"

He just as quickly went after her, grabbing her arm to keep her there. "No, no, mi amour. That is not what I meant. Please, I can explain..."

"I do not want or need an explanation! Time and time again this has happened and I've dealt with it, but..." she sighed, looking down sadly, "I thought it was different this time. I thought you loved me. Like really, really loved me."

Tears fell down her cheeks, making Lumiere wince. "I do, chérie. Please, if you just believe me."

By that time she had decided. Pulling her sleeves, that had fallen down from their encounter, back up onto her shoulders, she was gone before he could process what happened.

She wasn't sure what to do. Yes, he had hurt her before, but this resentment was far too strong to ignore now. Recognizing herself as a total mess, she ran up to Her Majestique's (yes I realize this is not 100% proper phrasing for "Her Majesty" but it's pretty cute) quarters. She knocked on the large wooden door, but not before fixing her hair and conserving her tears.

"Come in," Belle chided, and Babette obeyed. Strolling in patiently, Babette was unsure how to handle the problem.

"I am eternally sorry to bother you with personal matters, Your Majestique, but I'm afraid that living here at this given time is impossible to bear." As Belle nodded understandingly, she went on, "I'm having irrational problems with the maître'd. I'm so sorry. I just can't be here now." Her eyes began to water. "I'd like to ask for a short temporary vacation. Very brief. A fortnight at the most. Just to collect my thoughts if that's alright."

Belle gently placed her hand on her shoulder. "Of course. Where are you going to go?"

"I don't really know. Not to my parents'. They'd be so ashamed. I'm not entirely sure."

After a brief pause, Belle had an epiphany. "Why don't you stay at Papa and I's old cottage? The town isn't far. Plus, it'll be all yours. It won't be the cleanest, but that could be your excuse. Preparing it for the spring when Papa goes back home!"

Maurice spent his winters in the castle instead of the cold, lonely cottage, so it made perfect sense. Babette nodded, feeling a bit more confident now. "Thank you so very much. I won't be but a fortnight," giving the Madame a tight hug, she was on her way out. Grabbing her coat, she ventured out into the snow she loved so much and made her way to the stables.

Walking through the stable house on a mission, she found her horse that she always took on rides with Lumiere, a beautiful mare black as night except for the white that covered its hooves. Cringing upon thinking of the memories her and Lumiere had horse riding through the fields, she shook it off and got onto the horse bareback. Before long she was off in the direction of the town.

She had a slight apprehension about traveling through the woods, but the sun was dully shining which gave her faith in a safe arrival. Her tears had long disappeared. She instead looked forward to some time by herself. It would help her rebuild herself and her boundaries. She wouldn't let a man distract her anymore. At least she hoped...

Upon arriving at the small country house the sky had grew dark. The town that was just across the bridge rested in the haze of fog, and every house slept but one-- a magnificent tavern glowing in the night.

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