Love Triangle

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Lumiere didn't exactly want to stop and comfort the girl, for he really wanted to find the love of his life as soon as possible, but he knew that His and Her Majesties would want him to. He sighed, halting his horse once he had reached the crying girl. "Mademoiselle? Is something wrong?" No brainer. Something was definitely wrong.

She turned her back to him, her face buried in her hands. He carefully grabbed on to the back of her dress, keeping her from running away. "I really do insist," Lumiere started, "there is no such thing to be so upset about."

The girl once more turned her back to him before she began speaking. "It's so hard. I don't understand why people can't just tell the whole truth. I had a run-in with the man I loved over an inquiry, and just discovered a secret about the new man I met. I keep telling myself 'no more men', but it doesn't seem to help!"

Lumiere tilted his head and let out a small chuckle. "My, your love life is so tragic it even envies Romeo and Juliet's."

"And now look at me: I'm talking to a complete stranger!" She added more lightheartedly with a small giggle.

Lumiere was definitely a people person. He was able to pick up on everything about a person: their likes, dislikes, ticks, which was why it was so easy for him to get under Cogsworth's skin and to get closer to Babette. One of the first things he noticed about people was their laughs. Some people would bellow a large chuckle, while others a small laugh. Everyone had a different laugh, and when he heard hers he knew it was familiar.

"Stranger?" He whispered, gently grabbing Babette's shoulder. She looked over at him, and he couldn't tell what happened next. Suddenly there was this beautiful girl sobbing into his chest, and all he could do was hold her close.


Babette, shook, trying to find words, but it was impossible. All she could let out were pitiful sobs.

"You know I'd never leave you behind. You never even let me explain. I'm here for you," he whispered to her, holding her gently.

Babette's mind raced. Now that Lumiere was here she had to decide. He had definitely done her wrong with Angelique, but there appeared to be more to the story that she was missing. She did long for her castle life and the simplicity with all of her friends. At the same time, Gaston and this new village were an adventure. The opportunity to be an entirely different person with new friends, a new room, and a new guy. The problem wasn't that Gaston failed at taking her heart; oh no, he certainly stole that from her in one of their first encounters; but that he wasn't who she thought he was. This man reined terror upon the whole castle.

She thought back to the book Gaston had gotten her. Helen was happy in her kingdom with Menelaus, but was taken away by Paris. Yes, she did have feelings for Paris, but once she was returned once more to Menelaus she reconfirmed her original feelings for Menelaus. Maybe this was no different? A new view on things with a new guy might be nice for a short time, but her heart was always in the castle.

"Lumiere," she whimpered, her head now buried in his shoulder. She tried her best not to release tears, but some still escaped her eyes. "I want to go home."

He let out a small halfhearted smile and grabbed her hands, causing her to look up at him. He looked at her with pure adoration. "Then that's exactly what we'll do."

Babette took one last glance back at the village, and saw Gaston and the small man making their way up the hill towards her and Lumiere. "Mon dieu... I have to take care of this first. Meet me behind that cottage?" She offered, pointing to Maurice's house. Lumiere shot her a concerned look. "I can handle myself Lumiere. I'll see you there soon," she said calmly. He got on his horse and rode away over to the cottage.

Babette did not have much time to prepare herself before Gaston came up behind her. He put his hand gently on her shoulder (which apparently a lot of guys do now) and she wiped away one stray tear before turning to face him.

"Babette, I can tell something's wrong, but I'm not sure what I did wrong. I'm so sorry," he offered.

It was hard for her to tell him she was leaving her for someone else. Heck, she couldn't even look him in the eyes. It would be too hard... and too easy not to fall for him again. "Gaston, I can't explain. I must be returning home."

"So suddenly? You just came a week ago," he said, doing everything to try and convince her to stay.

"Ah, oui. It's been an enchanting week, but I have business to attend to back where I belong."

"Are you sure you can't stay? You could fit in perfectly here. We could arrange for you to get your own cottage or you could even move in with me. You'd never have to work a day again," he offered desperately.

"Gaston... if you knew who I really was, and where I'm truly from, you'd see me differently. I don't think I can handle that. I'd rather leave you with wonder than with hatred," she sighed, holding his hands gently. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes yet again. Yes, she knew she could be very happy here, but she would feel guilty keeping her life a secret and for taking the easy way out.

"I... understand. But Babette, if you ever need anything at all... send for me or come meet me. No explanations needed. I'm here for you and I want you to be happy," he forced out, sounding more defeated with each word. It was clear he was telling the truth though, and she gave him a small smile, followed by a hug.

"I will. I'll never forget you," she whispered before running off towards the cottage.

She fixed her hair and wiped tears out of her eyes before meeting Lumiere. "Mademoiselle," he greeted, holding out his hand, "your horse is ready." He helped her climb onto the black mare and quickly hoisted himself onto her own horse.

They trotted toward the castle for a short time before Lumiere had to break the silence. "I know there's a lot. But I promise I'll explain everything from my end once we get to the castle. You don't have to talk about what all happened to you while you were in that town, but just know that you can trust me with anything."

Babette gave him a small nod and looked off to the road, trying not to think about all the overwhelming things that had happened to her in the past week.


Lumiere knew that he had to explain everything to her, but how? He felt his pocket and realized that the small ring was still there. Perhaps there was hope to explain everything and make it up to her? Would it be too soon? He had no idea. And what was she doing with that man who had followed her up the hill? Lumiere had always assumed he was the only one for Babette, but seeing her with this other man put him on edge. Now he knew exactly how she felt.

He captured himself in his thoughts for the whole duration of the ride—at least two hours—, and before he knew it they had arrived at the castle. Snow gently started to fall from the sky. Lumiere quickly got off the horse and helped Babette down. The two put their horses back in the stables and walked toward the castle.

Babette pushed the hood of her cape over her head gently and grabbed Lumiere's arm. The two silently strolled through the garden leading to the castle. Lumiere pulled her off the straight path to the entry and took her around to see more of the flowers.

"Well, if I'm going to do it, it has to be now."

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