Chapter 1 Transit

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The epidemic has taken over the last of America. Nothing left besides limp bodies littering the ground. How could we have been so stupid using small class filters to deflect it? It was about as useful as a dead guard dog. We should have known that some moron would take it with them from France. But so fast, How could it have evolved so quickly?

"Ladies and gentlemen, please remain seated," said the flight attendant through the speaker. "Please keep the tables up as we lift off."

I took my white knuckles off the blue carpeted armrests, they then quickly returned to their tan color. I then took to removing my sweaty black hair off my neck and I looked down at my once crisp, but now wrinkled suit.

The plane shook as it ascended into the air. The ground below rushed by hastily, the crashed cars and derailed trains passed in a blur same as the thousands of bodies. We were above the clouds. I sighed a breath of relief. We were safe for now.

I heard once on the news that one of the other planes was blown up on it's way to Australia by another rogue plane.

"The captain was supposedly having the symptoms of the epidemic while he was piloting the plane. That's how it lead to the crash...." That's what the reporter had said right before she herself had started to be another empty soulless body lying on the ground. The gruesome scene of her clawing at her stomach, jittering in the process. Then she collapsed ,the camera following soon after,as the man heaving it toppled. The screen cracked from the concussion of the fall, then it went static.

I learned to take caution at all situations, now always expecting the worse. After watching my wife, my only family, My...

It was all too much. The pain, it never left, it never 'faded' like everyone told me it would over time. No. It was still there. The memory was still there so I decided to take things into my own hands. To leave to a safehouse, the only safe house... In Melbourne, Australia.


"Hello Mr. uh, what's your name again?," asked the man waiting outside the plane.

"Oh I am Mr.Tanwyn" I answer him. I moved down the stairwell out of the way of the

The rest of the passengers exited the plane, all with glad and wearing awestruck faces, thanking God for letting them live.

I chuckled looking at the weather dome surrounding my new home. "Quite a top notch facility you have here?"

"Ya think" said a stranger who had appeared just next to me.

We both chuckled. I looked at the new man with interest just like the way he looked at me. He was a tall and slim with coconut husk brown skin. He wore tinted black glasses and when he took them off it revealed hazel brown eyes. He wore a striped suit with several crinkles folded into the fabric

"Now I suppose I should introduce myself?" he asked.

"Of course" I said back happily.

"Opps sorry I forgot," He sighed. "Well, hello I'm your bodyguard Broncle."

"Nice to meet you Broncle. I'm Mr. Tanwyn." The conversation ended with an small lasting silence.

Bronco immediately perked back up seeming to remember his responsibility. "Now come with me. I must show you to where you will be working."

I ran to catch up to him and found him waiting in front of a huge building you'd think is only in fantasy. Spiraling thousands of feet above the ground. And when I say spiraling I mean it literally. Each story tilted to the side a bit more than the last. So it looked a bit like a rubix cube that was twisted by a child. Of course the skyscraper could align and split into three part still hundreds of feet in diameter, and blast off into hovering in the air. But of course that was only if the epidemic breached the shield. Knowing all of this only after a brief discussion from the news person is strange. But hey, not the strangest thing I've done,

I ran in front of him. Broncle marched in front of me and slid a card in a nearly invisible slot and the doors opened and he walked inside.

"Show off." I muttered then walked inside. The place may have been impressive outside, but the inside was an whole new world of awesome

The floor was made of pure marble, probably polished daily, in the corner there was the elevator shooting up into the heart of the building. In the back, there was an lunch area next to it was the venders, in another spot in the vast lobby was a section dedicated to learning more about the new plasma generated technology. I probably wouldn't be going anywhere near the new tech. There is more important things to do, all in all saving the world is better than getting new tech isn't it?

We walked over to the the elevator, then entered "Nice reinforced steel doors. Airtight too..." More words would have shot out of my big mouth, of course, if the air haven't been sucked out of my lungs. Blasting off at roughly 75 miles per hour, well I might be exasperating but we went up pretty fast. We shot up the shaft like a bullet, faster in fact,(according to my opinion) All of a sudden dinged to a stop on floor 87. By the time the doors broke open I was gasping for air. "Just... give me ... a second." I heaved, pretending to be running out of air. He rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Ok, ready." I smiled. Took a deep breath and walked inside the room full of men about to save the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2017 ⏰

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