The aftermath. (A collaboration)

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A collaboration with Masai and Rayne.

The day that horrible man told us she was dead, the air around us was never the same. We couldn't look into each other's rich eyes without small tears forming out of their corners. It never really sunk into our thick skulls until we swam to the bottom of our dressers, fetching formal, black attire to attend her ceremony.

Her lifeless, cold body haunts my dreams, making it an even harder job to fall asleep beside him. On those nights, we hold each other, and feeling his soggy tears on my chest only forces my arms to pull him closer. I silently cry with him, stroking his thin hair into strands of brown locks. He hugs me tighter every night, and I don't blame him.

Today is different though. It's night fall, and he hasn't touched a single grain of food. I look into his face with a distressed glance.

"Laurance...please eat," I say weakly.

"I-I can't..." He squeaks.

I sigh and plop myself down into the chair next to him. The small, metal fork is cold in my hands. I bring a small portion of food to his mouth, but he clamps it shut and turns away.

"Please..." I beg, "don't do this."

He doesn't look me in the eye. I sigh again, and place the small fork on his plate. It makes two small clinks that echoes in my head. My legs lift my body out of the chair. I begin to make my way to our room, but he stops me by snagging my arm.

"Please don't leave yet," He whispers, tightly griping my arm.  

I nod and sit back down. He slides his way onto my lap, I rock him gently.

"I'm sorry," He whispers softer. My ears strain to hear his words.

"It was never your fault," I whisper back just as soft.

"No, but I need to protect you," He raises his voice, getting angry with himself.

"Babe... Don't get mad," I lay a soft hand on his wet cheek.

"How can I not?! I'm failing you!" His tone increases to a yell. He jumps to his feet, out of my lap.

"No, you're not Laurance," I too raise my voice, "You're here, that's all that matters."

"But all you do is care about me! You pay no attention to yourself!"

"I do that because, I love you!"

"That's not how it works! I'm supposed to love you too!"

I spring to my feet to stand with him. The chair I was sitting in falls to the ground with a loud slam. Laurance flinches at the loud sound of impact. "If you love me then show me!" My voice screams.

His face turns soft and somber, and his eyes pierce through my pain. He steps closer to my figure, limiting the space between our lips to only a few centimeters. His breath is soft and warm on my face, I move a strand of his fawn hair away from his eye. Then our lips lock.

He sides my lip between his teeth, wetting it with his sweet tongue. I melt into his mouth, allowing him to wonder my own. He kisses me hard, then soft, causing my stomach to jump around in my body. We can both feel the air leak out of our lungs, but we continue to advance our embrace. 

He pushes my head closer to his own, forcing our lips harder together and giving him more room to explore. I lightly suck on his tongue.

He must let me go, to fill his body with the heavy air around us. My heart refuses to separate our lips, it screams for more love. Before I could do anything else, he pulls away from me.

"Laurance..." I beg, "m-more." I lean forward to kiss him again.

He smashes his lips into mine, melting my heart with his warm love. I drive my hands along his body, rubbing his back or massaging his thighs. He pulls me forward until I pin him against the wall. He tugs at the waist band of my pants. My heart skips several beats.

"I love you, so much."

His love could mend these broken walls. These torn hearts. These cold tears.

Our love could do these things.

Because his love comes from his heart.

And his heart belongs to me.

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