Chapter 7

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(( first of all, thank you to the person who added my story to their reading list, I feel so honored ;^; ))

In the morning Mila, Yurio, Yuuri, and Viktor all ate breakfast as a family and were all asking Mila questions and Mila asked all of them questions as well, making up for all the lost time they had together. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Mila went up to get it, she opened the door and saw a beautiful woman standing there, Mila was in awe of the girl and gulped while trying to find the right words to say, "Hello! I'm Sara Crispino, is Yurio here?", She said with a bright smile that made Mila's heart stop, "Y-yeah, that's my little brother! Yuriooo, someone's here to see you!", She said behind the door as Yurio made his way to the door. "Oh, what are you doing here?", Yurio wasn't as cruel as he usually is to people, Otabek sure has changed him. "Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to maybe hang out sometime? I heard your dating Otabek, so I need to make sure you're right for my best friend.", She giggled slightly. Yurio got a devilish idea and smirked, "Sure, I'll call Otabek and then we can walk there, but do you mind if Mila comes? She just got back not too long ago and I want her to be there with us. It can be like a double date! Except, not an actual date unless, you and Mila would like that.", Yurio smirked at Mila as she elbowed him in the arm, "Haha this kid such a jo-", "Sounds great! Meet us at the café in about an hour!", Mila was cut off by Sara talking as Sara walked away then Mila shut the door. "Yuri, what the hell?!", She seemed happy but angry and embarassed all at the same time. "не моя вина, что ты такая лесбиянка для Sara", Yurio smirked. (( не моя вина, что ты такая лесбиянка для Sara = not my fault you're such a lesbian for Sara ))
"не я!", Mila yelled back.
((не я! = i am not! ))

"то как же ты краснея и заикаясь вокруг нее, смотря в ее глаза, ммм?", Yurio giggled and grinned
(( то как же ты краснея и заикаясь вокруг нее, смотря в ее глаза, ммм? = then how come you were blushing and stuttering around her while staring into her eyes, hmm? ))

Mila groaned, "Nevermind that, let's just get ready.", She groaned while walking off to her room.
Yurio chuckled then walked back to his room to get changed. "What just happened?", Yuuri said looking at Viktor. "Mila's in love~", Viktor said teasingly.

time skip

Mila and Sara were sitting next to each other at the café while Yurio and Otabek sat accross from them, smiling and giggling while holding hands. Sara smiled at them which made Mila smile too, "So, Yurio. Tell me about your childhood.", Sara said with a slightly joking tone but also slightly stern.

"Well, when I was in kindergarten--", Yurio started as Otabek hid his face in embarassment. "Yuri!", Otabek said slightly with a begging tone to tell him not to tell them about that one time and Yurio nodded as if to say he wouldn't, "I met this cute guy named Otabek and on my last day, he kissed me on the cheek before I left to come here to Japan!", Yurio giggled as Otabek rolled his eyes while smiling in defeat. "But, when I came here to Japan with Mila and Viktor, we were both somewhat young, I was about I think 4 and Mila was 9, and Viktor came here to coach the other Yuuri, which ended up in them becoming a relationship, I grew up here and made some friends and didn't really do anything important or have anything important going on in my life, then, when I was 9, Mila left to go train in other places when she was about 14 (( this an AU so all their ages are different than in canon )) and i hadn't seen her for a long time nor heard from her, eventually Yuuri and Viktor got married and every now and then I heard them fucking at night.", Yurio said the last part with a slight annoyance in his voice. "But, mostly, I'm 15, my favorite color is orange, my favorite print is tiger or cheeta, my favorite animals are cats, and yea.", He shrugged. "Hmm.", Sara said staring between the two while Yurio smirked noticing that Mila was staring at Sara in a loving way. "I approve!", Sara clapped which made Mila jump out of her trance and smile. "How about you and Mila get to know each other while me and Yuri go skate or hang out, eh?", Otabek said with a smirk since he knew what was clearly going on. "Sounds great! I'd love to get to know you, Mila!", Sara said smiling as she hugged Mila and made her blush slightly.

(( if I made a sara x mila fic, who would read it? ))

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