Chapter 27

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Hannah's P.O.V

It was starting to get on to the time JJ would be here, I felt like i was only using people, and i was taking advantage of everything that came my way, i was never great full or anything. Finn took me in, fed me, made me feel like shit less, even though I always still did. I just threw him away, when all he did was cared, but i couldnt ever go back to Oli, never. I couldnt face all my friends again. Mandy, especially. She was more than a friend, a sister, the wonderful happy gilrl i had met from a young age, but she was gone, now she was just a memory, or a figment of my imagination now. 

"Hello, can I have a Taxi, to meadowhall, east side please?" I called robin taxi's.


"Hannah, pixie."

"Thank you, 5 Minutes." The man hung up as i made my way out. I decided to check my instagram, i hadnt posted in a while, and i wasnt really intending to, but surely mandy had, i remember when she'd never take her eyes off her phone, only when Matt was around, they were the cutest couple ever.

I checked my photo's, my last one was  from 1 month ago, it was of me and Oli, it was after a gig, and he looked sweaty, he always looked cute when he was sweaty, no one liked hugging him, because he'd look like he just got out of the shower, but then stunk, I missed those days. I scrolled down the comments, and felt oddly normal, but hurt, some of the read

"Stupid bitch, she's the reason Oli's upset."

"i hope she chokes and dies."

"Ugh, i cant believe i looked up to such a vile person."

I guess they were Right, i am vile, i am a stupid bitch, and honestly i wish i did choke and die. But one thing i didn't understand was how Oliver would be upset. I hought he hated me, and as much as i hate myself for everything, he was the one in bed with Cara, doing everything we did. But i guess i bought it upon myself. So i decided to check his instagram. His last picture was the one he stole off me, the same last picture i had, but it was posted quite recently, about two weeks ago. The caption read ":(". I felt like a right cunt. 

I walked outside into the crisp air, the taxi wasnt here yet so i sat on the only cold dry patch of concrete, i sat here staring at his instagram, thinking why hed be sad, maybe because i still had his favourite hoodie. Yeah that was probably why, i wasnt worth a miss. 

" 'I'll totes meet you at the airport' " A familiar voice mocked, i looked up to a very furry face, a face that wasn't as furry as last time but i still loved, even with all he furry-ness. 


"Omg no, i thought you were my best friend, i thought you were gonna be at the airport for me." He said sarcastically, then smiling. I slapped his arm and hugged the small man. 

"Oh fuck off, i was actually coming there now, and shit how'd you know im here, stalker!" 

"I know everything." He whispered, it was like one big reunion, like in an 80's movie. I loved movies like that, not as much as spirited away though, i hadn't watched that in ages. 

"Come on daydreamer, I'll take you to mine."


"No, i have a house here you know."

"Sor-ee." I mocked, this was the first time i felt happy in a while. And it was good. 


"Here we are, take my room, i fall asleep on the couch everynight anyway." 

"Dude no, I feel bad."

"Theres a tv in there with a dvd player and i have spirited away." I instantly dropped my things and ran, fuck being polite, JJ was my best mate and im not polite to anyone when spirited away is involved. I searched for he remote, urned the v on, pulled spirited away out and played it, i could hear the intro music. This was heaven. 

"Hey, im throwing a party tomorrow!" JJ shouted, honestly i was fucking sick of partying and no doubt there'd be drugs, lots of them. But i couldnt tell JJ no, this was his house, and he was in he uk after a long time. 

"Sick!" I shouted back, reluctantly, i tried to take my mind of it, by gluing my eyes to the screen, everyone else could do it. 

"Have you got something to wear, i dont want people thinking i live witha weirdo!" He joked, i just smiled and shook it off. 

"Nah, Just this dress from the other night, Its cool though, ill just wear some shirt of yours and some shorts, of your girlfriends." JJ wouldnt have a classy party i know him, hes not a very classy guy, but i liked that. 


"Who's coming?!" 

"Special people, hot girls, hot guys for homo, theyre just very good looking."


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