Chapter 28 Tonight we're gonna party like there's no tomorrow.

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Oli's P.O.V

I was still in a state of sadness, all i wanted to do was die really. It felt like now everything was a big pile of bullshit, like nothing mattered. Nothing did matter really, I was now just a potatoe, well i elt like one. Infact i felt worse, what Mnady said to me before hurt, but what hur even more than her word was the fact that every single word was 100% true. So like everyday of he pas month of my life i lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling. And again like every oher day someone was ringing me. Obviously it would be matt or lee or one of the lad again but it wasnt, it was JJ, i kinda missed him, so i answered.


"Oli, i have a surprise for you." Wow this was new, something good for once. 

"Yay, go on tell me what it is then." My speech came ou blankly compared to his funny aussi accent, i sounded abit sarcastic.

"I'm having a party tonight."

"Im sorry JJ im not in the mood fo a party righ this minute, this Hannah thing has kinda got me down." I didnt want to turn i down but, i didnt want go ino a house full of happy people.

"Hannah's he reason you're coming."

"What are you saying?!" I shot up and pressed my phone hader to y ear.

"Hannah is here with me, BU she doesnt know you'e coming so you gotta keep it on he dl then you can see her tonight." He whispered, i could hear an odd trickeling noise too.

"Are you having a piss and why're you whispereing?" 

"Yes, i am and Hannah's here you fucking idiot!"

"WHAT IM COMING OVER RIGHT NOW, WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME, I NEED TO SEE HER I NEED TO SMELL HER HAIR AGAIN!" I sprinited down to the stairs and slipped on my shoes, still on the phone.

"NO, YOU GOTTA DO IT TONIGHT, she's chilling up right now man, and what the fuck smell her hair, whats wring with you, you sick bastard."

I thought about it, she was probably waching spirited away crying over how haku never spends the rest of his life with chihiro, and i didnt want to disturb her, but i wanted to see her again, and not just a picture but her in real life, her wonderfullypale skin and her jet black hair, and her beautiful tattoo's and i missed her touch so much id kill for it, bu id soon feel it again tonight,, id soon feel alive again. 

"Fine, what time CAN I come then and see my girlfriend?"

"10, now tell the others and get something nice to wear, gotta look nice for the girl."


He hung up as i stared at the wall, damn i was fucking excited, i was finally after a month that felt like a year i was seeing my boo again, my one and only. I immediatley rang the others and told them, then i rang Mandy, she didnt answer my call or text, so i got Matt to tell her. I guess she was happy. I grabbed the dog and jumped into the car, the lat time i was in her, i was with Hannah, and id be with her again tonight. I drove straight up to TOPMAN and picked up a fresh pair of jeans and then went to TOPSHOP to buy something for Hannah. The first thing that caught my eye that reminded me of her was a quartz necklace, it was a purple colour, with a gold chain, she loved purple, it wasnt something i was into or knew anything about but all i could say, was that it was realy pretty. I paid the cashier and walked out, meadowhall was a quiet place but it was pleasant.

"Hello!" A girl about 5' approached me, she had bright green hair and was wearing bows and thick dark eyeliner, it wasnt to appealing but im guessing she was a fan due to the amount of drop dead she was wearing, and fans were like family, but some of them were scarily obsessed

"Hiya!" She beamed with a huge smile, she was cute. "Want a picture?!" Obviously se did, she had her phone ready, sometimes i wish fans, didnt want just a picture i wish i cou;d have a proper conversation, but most of them were to shy to ask anyting or answer back to my question. I put my arm around her and bent down, to her height, then i took the selfie because her arm wasnt long enough, it was quite funny.

"I dont mean to be rude or intrude, but what happened to hannah and are you okay you havent posted anything in a while, and please ndont be sad because the last picture you did post was sad and-"

"Im fine! im fine! Dont worry! Me and Hannah are fine! Andi just havent had time to post anything, but ill soon be back online, love dont worry."

"OKay, bye sorry for bothering you sorry bye awesome band!" And with that she ran off the opposite way, fangirls are so cute. 

 Was everyone really that worried, was this hannah thing getting that bad hat i was now concerning my fans? Maybe i was just away for a while, but it was goingto e okay now, everything was going to be back the way it was, with hannah and mandy and ben always around us and happy. But what if everyhing went wrong and this was al just for nothing, maybe this was a dream, maybe Hannah wasnt Hannah anymore, what if she still hated me. Id completely understand if she did but this was all getting out of hand i needed someone here now. I ran to my car and drove to Vegans house.

I drove up to his house, he lived next to a bakers so i loved going to his house, it always smelt of bread, and hed always buy freshly made bread, and then sometimes we'd al cometogether at his house and watch the football with bread and soup that his girlfriend would make. She made wonderful soup.

I banged he door, anxious to talk, i just wanted to let my feelings out, that sounded so supid but i needed some therapy; Or someone who'd talk to me atleast. 

"Oli, fucking hell. Bang any louder could you?" He walked in as i followed, his hair was still wet, he was probably in the shower. 

"Matt, stay with me tonight at JJ's party?"

"Oli, you're like my brother bu im not holding your hand tonight."

"No, Hannah's there tonight, I dont wanna say something that will fuck it all up again, im just scared."

"Damn, dont be scared it'll all be fine. And alright i'll be near you tonight, now do you want some tea?" 

"Hannah loved tea."

"For fucks sake Oli! Im not being rude, but you need to atleast try and forget about her once in a while, we all know you miss her, and so do all of us but you need to try." He walked into the kitchen and flicked the kettle on.

"Yeah i could do with a cuppa."

"Alright, sorry man, just dont worry about it yeah?

"Alright, sorry, mate."

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