How You Meet

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Glenn Rhee

Within a month of the outbreak you're alone, hungry and scared, having already lost everyone you loved. It had been 2 days since you had eaten anything sustainable, which was vital now that you spent your days fighting the dead and hiding from danger.

You were walking down a long, ghost-like street with debris carpeting the ground, hoping and praying you would find something to fill the gaping hole in your stomach, which felt like it was beginning to engulf itself. Starting to lose hope, you sink down into the middle of the road into a sitting position, placing your head on your arms. It had only been a month and you were already considering giving up. How could you be so weak?

Before you could let out any emotion, you heard a voice coming from behind you; "Hey, hey you?" it called, tentatively, "do you have a group?" You turned round to face a young looking Korean boy, looking around his early twenties. He was clad in a blue and white baseball cap and a plaid shirt.

Warily, you replied, "A group? No, I'm alone if that's what you're asking". You were usually very adverse to trusting strangers this quickly, but you felt you had nothing to lose anymore. He looked harmless.
"I'm Glenn, I have a camp and a group of strong survivors but we could always do with more. If you'd like, I'm happy to bring you back to my camp, I'm sure my people would be delighted to see a new face".
"Y/N" you replied, "I don't know why I'm trusting you, but I am. I'll come back with you."

Rick Grimes

Carefully and quietly you make your way through the woods, knowing this was a short cut from your camp- if you could call it that, it was just you and your brother- to a pharmacy that hadn't been raided yet. Your brother had come down with an illness that you, having no medical experience whatsoever, were not knowledgeable enough to diagnose. You were just planning on taking any medication you could find and hoping for the best.

As you made your way through the woods you heard the groan of  a walker making it's way toward you. Doing your upmost to make no noise, you reached down to your knife in your belt and gripped it firmly. Instead of approaching the walker, you let it approach you, staggering its way and following its nose. When it was in reaching distance, you swung your knife up and sunk it through the walkers skull. All tension left your body, safe in the knowledge that you are now alone in these woods- or so you thought.

Suddenly, a ill looking, peeling hand gripped your shoulder from behind you and you heard snapping teeth trying to get a taste of your flesh. "Fuck" you muttered under your breath, struggling to get out of the walkers grip. You began to panic when you realised you really were finding it hard to escape. You started thinking about your sick brother back at your camp which only alarmed you more.

Just as you thought you'd lost this fight, you heard a sharp stab and felt the walker become limp and fall off of your back. "You can thank me later", a raspy, slightly flirtatious voice sounded behind you. You turned round and was met with a pair of ocean blue eyes. "Rick Grimes" he stated, "and you are?"
"Y/N" you replied, liking the look of this chiselled man.

Daryl Dixon

You had never been more grateful in your life for the self defence classes your parents had forced you to go to as a child until this moment.

You were currently surrounded by around 15 walkers, alone and with no gun or knife. You grabbed a large branch that was close to you on the ground in order to defend yourself from these flesh craving monsters. You twisted it around your body, forcing it through the first walker's skull, leaving it lifeless on the ground. The next you hit on the back of the head with such force that it immediately fell next to its friend on the ground.

You continued like this for 10 minutes, until you had dealt with all danger around you, leaving you out of breath and a little sweaty. It wasn't until you stopped to catch your breath that you noticed a rugged, long haired man standing with folded muscular arms watching you, admiringly. He was wearing a sleeveless jacket and sported a crossbow on his back.
"Impressive" the man growled at you. "I'm Daryl Dixon".

Despite finding the man rather attractive, you were enraged that 'Daryl' had sat back and watched you struggle with the walkers.
"Are you kidding me?" You replied, "you didn't think to help me?"

"I was just enjoying the show" he replied. For some reason, this man intrigued you...

Carl Grimes

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" you asked your father, "we don't know these people."

Your dad had noticed a fairly large group recently move into a prison which could be seen in the distance from the camp you and your father stayed in. He said he wanted to take a look, maybe find out if you could join. You weren't so keen on the idea; how did you know you could trust these strangers, after all. But your dad was your dad, and this is what he wanted to do. You really didn't have a choice but to go along with it. "We're going tomorrow morning, Y/N" he told you.

The next morning you did as your dad had told you to and got up and ready to approach these people, hoping that they're good people. You approached that gate as your dad called out to get someone's attention. A chiselled man with curly hair approached the gate with strength and power in each step.

Your father explained to this man how he wanted to join them, that you were trustworthy. The man, who had introduced himself as Rick replied only with; "How many walkers have you killed?", to which your answer was 20, 'give or take'; "How many people have you killed?", your fathers answer being two; "Why?", your dad answered 'because they would have killed us otherwise'.

Surprisingly, you were welcomed into the prison. Rick introduced you to a boy who looked around your age, fifteen, telling you that he hoped you two would get along.

He had deep blue eyes, just like his fathers and mahogany coloured hair. He hesitated before saying; 'Hi, I'm Carl", nervously.

"Y/N," you responded, "nice to meet you."

Written by HMM

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