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Glenn Rhee

"Carl, I think I've found some antibiotics behind here, come and help me move this shelf?" you asked Carl. You were out on a run together looking mainly for medication due to the illness spreading around your camp. It wasn't too serious but you and Carl were the only ones who didn't have it.

Carl came over and hoisted up the books case with you. Instead of being greeted by antibiotics, you were face to face with 3 aggressive looking women and one grimacing man, all pointing guns at you.

"Shit" you said to yourself, "look, let's sort something out?" you said, already trying to bargain with these intimidating strangers.

"We need people. You're coming with us." they responded. Your heart sank with fear and you heard Carl's breath deepen. You grabbed for your gun and pointed it at them. You pulled the trigger but the gun only clicked; you'd picked up an empty gun. There was no chance now.

2 weeks later
You and Carl were shut in the small dingy room, being fed only one meal a day of a couple of slices of dry bread. You were waiting for the right moment to escape and had decided that was now. The small group had, foolishly, all left grounds, going out on a hunt for their next victims.

Of course, the door was locked but, working together, you and Carl managed to kick the door handle off, causing it to swing open. You sprinted, following the light until you were met with fresh air and trees. You turned to Carl who was already looking at you with a hopeful smile.

You told Glenn you would always give him a sign if you were ever split up, no matter what it took. You had noticed a flare gun attached to the belt of one of the women who brought you here. You also noticed an unlocked car by the door of the building and sure enough, a flare gun was sitting inside. You scrambled for it and shot it in the air, in the direction of your camp.

You and Carl began running; sprinting towards the camp - never looking back. Your chest began to burn and your knees became weak but it didn't stop you. Eventually your camp walls came into sight. It was slowly getting closer and closer. Suddenly, the doors slid open and out ran a smiling Glenn (along with Carl's girlfriends - or 'only-a-friend' according to Carl). Once close enough, you threw yourself onto him. He picked you up and swung you around.
"I'm never going to let myself be away from you again, Y/N." he told you.

Rick Grimes

It had been a month since you had last seen Rick. You and Rosita had gone out on a run and a trip to Hill Top to trade with them, where you stayed for a couple of weeks. You knew it was probably going to be tough, but you wasn't expecting to be this effected.

On your final day there you bid your goodbyes to Jesus, hoping to see him again soon but also immensely happy to be seeing Rick again.

"I've never seen you more energetic," Rosita laughed, "you must be really head over heels for him."

"Shh," you replied, silently knowing she was right, "I'm just excited to see him."

And with that, you set off on your long journey home. The roads were long an boring, all identical to one another. It felt like you were driving for days. Occasionally you stopped to swap drivers or take a quick look in old shops you saw along the way, just in case there was anything to take.

Rosita and you were really able to bond on that journey; talking about relationships, friendships, life before the apocalypse and anything else under the moon. That made the journey a little more bare-able.

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