You're Pregnant

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Glenn Rhee

You had started to panic over the last 2 months having realised that you had been missing your period. You thought maybe it could be down to not eating much but then again, you weight hadn't changed a lot. You'd asked Sasha quietly to try and find you a pregnancy test while out on a run and she promised not to tell any one.

So there you were, waiting for the lines to appear on the pregnancy test in your hands. You watched as the two lines began to develop, indicating that you were, in fact, pregnant. You felt your heart drop. If it weren't for the fact you were in the middle of an apocalypse, you would have been ecstatic. Instead you were slightly nervous. There was a part of you that felt a little excitement. You loved Glenn and you were happy to have his child. You were just nervous about how he was going to feel about this.

You decided one night that you were going to tell him; you had to tell him at some point. You paced the living room, waiting for him to return home while practising different ways you could break the news. You heard foot steps approaching the porch and the handle being turned.

"Hey, Y/N," Glenn greeted you, with a hug, "are you alright? You seem a little nervous." He asked. He was just about to go upstairs to put his things away until you interrupted.

"Glenn, I need to talk to you." you told him. He dropped what he was doing and turned to look at you. You could see that his heart rate had increased by the way that his chest rose and fell.

"What's wrong? You're not breaking up with me, are you?" he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, quite the opposite," you replied, "Glenn, I'm pregnant."

He stopped for a second, processing what you had just told him. He then pulled you into a comforting and supportive hug, telling you without words that he was going to be there for you through this.

"Y/N, we can both agree this wasn't what we were trying for, but I think it's a positive. We're going to have a baby. We get to raise a child together. I don't know about you, but I like the sound of that" Glenn told you. You really couldn't have asked for a better response.

"Yeah, there's definitely a part of me that's excited," you told him, "but I'm nervous."

"Me too," he replied, "but this baby is going to be the cutest thing with us as parents."

Rick Grimes

You woke up one morning feeling very nauseous and was sure you were about to be sick. You jumped up from your empty bed, realising that Rick had likely gone to check on Judith, and ran to the bathroom. You leant over the toilet and sure enough, you were sick. Rick must have heard as he came running in to pull your hair away from your face and rub your back.

When you were done and had cleaned up, Rick helped you up and hugged you tight, still rubbing your back. It was clear that you were both thinking the same, slightly nerve racking, thought.

"Y/N, do you think this could mean..." Rick trailed off, but you got the idea.

"I was thinking that," you answered, "I've been sick a few mornings over the past two weeks. And my, you know, my period is late." You told him, basically confirming what you were both thinking.

He thought for a second before saying; "It's okay. I've brought up Carl through most of this and we've essentially brought up Judith together from the start. We'll be okay."

"Yeah, yeah we will. There are so many people that will help out. Carl and Judith will have a new baby brother or sister. I'll be a mum for the first time. I guess this isn't a bad thing."

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