Chap.3 "Planning The City Seventeen Offensive"

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1:30 AM PST I was waiting outside for the conscripts who were evacuating civilians to our base, looking up at the sky I started to think if we could win this war. Four trucks came into view of the dirt road, I was surprised that they made it, Captain Vance jumped down from a Merkava light tank used by Israeli, He came up to me and said: "Well that's the last of everyone, There's been a few pockets of Legion and Lambda Resistance in the San Andres fault and Arizona Desert." I said "So are we ready for this big plan?" He said "Yes." I gathered everyone in the war room and said "Ok, Gentleman of every free country, We are now in the fight of our lives I now will give General MacArthur the talking position." The General said with a low voice "Gentleman I am now appoint Hunter as leading member of the Commonwealth's armed forces, Now on to this plan All of every member of this Axis Alliance will place start of what I call a "National Uprising" General Patton will accompany you Lt. Col. Hunter." There was confusion but everyone understood that in order to save Earth we must defeat the Universal Union and INGSOC.

Here is a list of who was going to take back there land:

American Commonwealth: Original US Territory, Original 50 states.

Independent State of Croatia: Zagreb and Ocean ports.

Legionary Romania: Bucharest and Northern Transylvania

Greater German Reich: Original west and eastern Prussian ground

Siamese Empire: Bangkok and Former Malasyia.

Russian Empire: Former Russian Federation

Empire of Japan: Japanese islands and the Korean Peninsula.

Vichy France: From Paris to Vichy

Right here are the Minor Nations:

Cascadian Nationalistic Republic: Former British Columbia and States of Washington and Oregon.

National Kingdom of Hawaii: Hawaiian Island's.

Integralist Brazil: Amazon Forest and Sao Paulo.

Independent Marshall Islands Federation: Marshall's and other atoll reef's

Bikini Atoll Empire: Bikini and The North western end of the Hawaiian ridge.

Recognized Republic of Kwajalein: Kwajalein, Roi-Namur, Omelek and Meck Island.

These Nations would be not be afraid to fight for humanity, I was so glad that we are finally going to go out there and show them what a man is. General Patton said "We will show them the best of Humanity, They can kill us, They can kill us all, But We The People Will not stand for this inhumane totalitarian government of Oceania to kill us off this Earth.

Lt. Col. Daniel Hunter: The Superstate of Oceania and The UprisingWhere stories live. Discover now