1 | Fire

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This took a lot of planning, and thought. I hope you all enjoy this story, it's not your usual fanfic. And it's not edited so don't yell at me.

In a dark, underground room, a woman sat in a chair. Her hands were chained to the seat, and her back was hunched over, her breathing hard. This was not how she wanted to start off her week: with getting kidnapped.

"I'm surprised you're still conscious, Shizuko. Any other person would have passed out by now." A man with glowing crimson eyes spoke, his voice cold.

"You know me, Itachi. I don't just give up. And besides, this is nothing new to me." She gave him a toothy grin, resulting in her getting caught in another one of his genjutsu.

Her screams echoed through the chamber. She wouldn't be saved, after all, she was just some ninja that didn't belong in the Land of Fire. But she did not know that many people cherished her, and called her the Heir of Fire. She would be saved. She was what they call 'Hope'.


Leaf Village

"Kakashi, come out of hiding."

A man with silver hair stepped from the shadows, a mask covering the bottom half of his face and a headband covering his left eye.

"What did you call me here for?" He asked, standing before the blonde woman, a stoic expression on his face. He knew why he was called to that very spot, but he did not want the Hokage to worry about how it got to him, and to worry about this information spreading to the citizens of the Land of Fire.

"Have you heard of the girl they call the Heirof Fire?" The woman set a file down on her desk and slid it forward for the man to look over.

"Yes, I have." He said, keeping up the facade. "Then you know that she is an Uzumaki, and is from an aristocratic family in the Land of Snow?" She asked, expecting him to not know of this information.

"Actually, yes. I was there. It was an escort mission for the Uchiha family, where they were looking to betroth Itachi to their daughter." Kakashi stated confidently.

This was not new information to Tsunade, in fact, there had been many families in Konoha who wanted to betroth their children to the daughter of the family.

"Alright, and have you heard anything about her lately?"

The question seemed tedious. "No, but what does this have to-"

"Intel tells me that she's been kidnapped by the Akatsuki, and your mission is to find her and rescue her from them. This is a solo mission, so I suggest that you try not to face any of their members."

The silver haired man nodded, turning around to leave when Tsunade spoke once again. "You may be startled by her appearance, but I assure you, she is not the same woman."



"You're much stronger than I thought you would be, for a whore." Itachi treaded heavily on his words, trying to find the words that would hurt the most.

"Well, I have to have good stamina-" she was cut off as he stabbed a kunai into her thigh. A groan escaped her lips as the stinging pain traveled through her body.

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