4 | Wind

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The Jonin exams had approached unexpectedly fast, and Shizuko stood in the thirty-sixth training grounds. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she wore the standard navy blue shirt and sweat pants with the green flak jacket over them. Her Leaf Hitai-ate gleamed on her forehead and she adjusted the weapons holster strap on her thigh.

She had gone on forty missions in order to qualify for these exams, she'd be damned if she didn't pass. The woman waited for what seemed like hours until someone came to escort her to the arena where she would face her opponent. The Fifth Hokage stood on a ledge overlooking the arena in which she now stood, and the brown eyed woman gave her nod before gesturing towards the opposite doorway.

The door creaked open and in walked Kakashi Hatake. Shizuko smirked as the stood across from her, and he raised a brow.

"Shizuko Uzumaki vs. Kakashi Hatake! Let the match begin!" The woman waved her arm down to signal the start of the match.

The two stood there, slowly shifting their feet back into a battle ready stance when they pulled kunai out of their weapons holsters and threw them at each other. The blades collided in the air as the two brought forth another kunai and ran at each other. Their weapons clashed with a spark. Shizuko had another kunai hidden in her sleeve and she brought into her hand, swinging it around to the back of his head when he kicked the back of her leg, causing her to fall to her knees.

In response she swept a leg under his feet and he jumped in the air, landing in a squatting position.

"Is that all you got?" The man asked and the girl shook her head, grabbing a scroll out of one of the pockets in her flak jacket, she bit her finger and ran the blood along the paper. Performing a hand seal she summoned a sword in which she charged at him. Swinging the sword, he ducked under and she smirked as she brought the sword behind her and he used the replacement jutsu to avoid the attack.

The woman glanced around the arena, seeing no sign of the silver headed man. He must have been underground. Charging her blade with chakra, she stabbed the sword into the ground, slowly, cracks began to stem from the blade in the cement and the ground exploded from the pressure.

The action revealed the man hidden in the ground and he jumped up and onto the broken surface. "Nice, now let's see if you can counter this," the man bouced back and perform several seals before breathing in deeply and blowing out a fire ball.

The woman jumped back and performed her own set of seals before, "Water Style: Raging Waves!" The woman built up chakra in her  lungs before blowing out a wave of water and putting out the fire ball, nearly taking Kakashi along with it.

"I'm impressed, for someone who has never been a Shinobi until now, you've got skill."

"It doesn't mean I never learned how to perform ninjutsu, or what it means to be a Shinobi. I learned it a long time ago." She charged at him and threw her fist at his face, and he blocked it, aiming a fist for her stomach when she swept her leg under his left foot and he fell back. As she straddled him she charged her fist full of chakra, "The first thing that had been taught to me, even though I had limited access to a teacher, it was how to precisely control my chakra, and how to heal." The man didn't flinch as she brought her fist down, hitting the cement only centimeters away from his head.

It took only a moment, and the ground beneath them collapsed, dust floating into the air. A proctor jumped into the arena to assess whether or not she would become a Jonin. And she looked down at Kakashi and he smiled reassuringly, he believed that she would pass.

"Shizuko Uzumaki has passed!"


The young Uzumaki had been traveling just outside the Hidden grass when she stumbled upon some children who were sheltered under a tree from the falling rain. The girl passed them, paying no mind to their presence. The children watched as she set up her own camp not far from them and they shivered as a gust of cold wind blew.

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