6 | Flash

102 6 2

I didn't proofread it.

"So he kidnapped you because he thought you betrayed them." Tsunade surmised, looking down at her desk and sighing. "I see I've hit a soft spot for you. All I need now is the reason why you tried to infiltrate Yūgure."

"The leader was following me. I wanted to know why so I tried to infiltrate them but the leader also knew my plans."

"I see. I hope that you being here doesn't lead him here. But if that is the case, I'm going place a protective detail on you. These two come from my own protective detail, as of right now I have five but three is enough for me. And I'm always around my student, Sakura."

"A protective detail? I'm not so sure that's necessary, Hokage-sama."

"As long as you are here it will be necessary, not only for your protection but for the people around you."

Shizuko nodded in understanding.

"Minato! Genma!"

Two men appeared a second later, kneeling before their Hokage. "Yes, My Lady?" They both asked simultaneously.

"This is Shizuko Uzumaki, you will be watching over her for a little while as she settles in."

The two men nodded as they turned to the young woman standing behind them. Shizuko noted how the one on the left looked a lot like the boy Naruto. The same spiky blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. He was quite a bit older than the man standing next to him, who stood with a bored look on his face and a senbon between his lips.

The blonde one spoke first, "I'm Minato Namikaze. The former Fourth Hokage." His warm smile disarming.

Then she looked to the brown-haired man, "Genma Shiranui, I've never been Hokage." His dry humor caused her lips to form into a smirk. This should be fun.


"Wait a minute!" The woman whirled around to the two men who were trailing behind her. They jumped slightly at her sudden outburst. She walked up to the blonde-haired man, her eyes carefully scrutinizing him. "You're the Yellow Flash of the Leaf!"

The man gave an awkward, humble smile. "Ah, yes. I haven't heard that one in ages."

"I remember hearing all about you when I fought at the end of the war! How you turned the tides of the war in favor of the Leaf when you blew up Kanabi bridge!"

The man's eyes flashed with sadness as his carefree persona seemed to flee. "Yes, of course."

Shizuko knew she hit a rough spot then, and decided to not comment or ask questions as she looked at the man named Genma whose eyes were downcast at the mention of the Kanabi Bridge Mission.

"Uh, well, I'm supposed to be meeting with someone in a few minutes." She spoke, changing the subject.


Shizuko entered the Dango shop, seeing a familiar silver-headed ninja sitting in the corner, Dango sitting on a plate before him and his blonde-haired comrade sitting next to him.

"Hey, Kakashi," the red-haired woman sat down across from him and gestured for the two special Jōnin behind her to sit down with her. They hesitated, knowing this was a meeting they weren't invited to, but then they saw her frown at their hesitation and decided to sit down with her.

"Minato-sensei, what brought you here?"

"Shiranui-san and I have been assigned to watch over Shizuko, reasons are classified but we have to accompany her everywhere except when she's on a mission."

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