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This year's Squad Graphics Awards will feature five main criteria and three special criteria.

⚜ ⚜ M A I N   C R I T E R I A ⚜ ⚜

⚜ W O R L D   O F   A D V E N T U R E ⚜

Judged by: our awesome judges

What we're looking for:  something that suggests or hints at a prospect of exploration.  Preferrably with an open world and a breath of the wild.


‌• 1 Cover with a title of your choice (optional: "Graphics made by: *your username*")

⚜ T A K E   M Y   B R E A T H   A W A Y ! ⚜

Judged by: our awesome judges

What we're looking for: a mystical, mythical, or epic styled fantasy cover.


‌• 1 Cover with a title of your choice(optional: "Graphics made by: *your username*")

⚜ P R E C I P I C E   O F   A   N E W   E R A ⚜

Judged by: our awesome judges

What we're looking for: either sleek and futuristic or steampunk and gritty.  Technology (or at least, hints of it) is a must, though.


‌• 1 Cover with a title of your choice(optional: "Graphics made by: *your username*")

⚜ H A U N T E D   D R E A M S ⚜

Judged by: our awesome judges

What we're looking for:  something that sends uneasy chills down the spines of anyone that lays eyes upon it.  Ideally, it should have a dark color scheme.


‌• 1 Cover with a title of your choice(optional: "Graphics made by: *your username*")

⚜ M I R A C U L O U S   H E A R T ⚜

Judged by: our awesome judges

What we're looking for:  pure and sweet or edgy and sensational, as long as it's to do with love.  But--let's not pardon us for being so blunt--no show private parts.  Your entry will not be considered.


‌• 1 Cover with a title of your choice(optional: "Graphics made by: *your username*")

⚜ ⚜ S P E C I A L   C R I T E R I A ⚜ ⚜

⚜ C O V E R C E P T I O N ⚜

Judged by: haruishii

What we're looking for: a sinister, gritty, and ominous cover.  Font should have a spidery/gnarly look.


‌• 1 Cover with the following: the title "Inception" (optional: "Graphics made by: *your username*")

⚜ Q U O T E   B O O K   C O V E R ⚜

Judged by: us, the hosts

What we're looking for: preferably either minimalistic, modern, or simple styled, yet with a creative flare.


‌• 1 Cover with the following:  the title "QUOTE BOOK" and our username "Mob Squad" (optional:  "Graphics made by:  *your username*")

⚜ W O R D S   C O V E R ⚜

Judged by: us, the hosts

What we're looking for: preferably either minimalistic, modern, or simple styled, yet with a creative flare.


‌• 1 Cover with the following: the title "WORDS" and our username "Mob Squad" (optional: "Graphics made by: *your username*")

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