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There will be first place and runner-up prizes for each criteria.  This chapter may be a bit of an eye-ful, so take it in slowly.

M A I N   C R I T E R I A   A W A R D S 

This includes all five main criteria listed in the CRITERIA chapter

- 1 S T   P L A C E   P R I Z E S -

-Featured on the official Mob Squad website until the next Squad Graphics Awards contest

-Featured in a Graphics Book on the Mob Squad profile


-Permanent follow from our second account, MoBackupSquad

-Exclusive "Squad Graphics Awards" sticker

-Bragging rights

- R U N N E R - U P   P R I Z E S -

-Featured in a Graphics Book on the Mob Squad profile


-Exclusive "Squad Graphics Awards" sticker

-Bragging rights

C O V E R C E P T I O N ⚜

  - 1 S T   P L A C E   P R I Z E S -  

-Use of your cover on haruishii's book Inception for a month or more(with credit to you, of course!)


-Honest graphics critique by haruishii

-Exclusive "Squad Graphics Awards" sticker

-Bragging rights

Q U O T E   B O O K   C O V E R

- 1 S T   P L A C E   P R I Z E S -

-Use of your cover on the Quote Book on our profile for a month (with credit to you, of course!)


-Honest graphics critique by fUZZI_Lin

-Permanent follow from our second account, MoBackupSquad

-Exclusive "Squad Graphics Awards" sticker

-Bragging rights

- R U N N E R - U P   P R I Z E S -

-Use of your cover on the Quote Book on our profile for a month (with credit to you, of course!)


-Exclusive "Squad Graphics Awards" sticker

-Bragging rights

W O R D S   C O V E R

- 1 S T   P L A C E   P R I Z E S -

-Use of your cover on the Words book on our profile for a month (with credit to you, of course!)


-Honest graphics critique by fUZZI_Lin

-Permanent follow from our second account, MoBackupSquad

-Exclusive "Squad Graphics Awards" sticker

-Bragging rights

- R U N N E R - U P   P R I Z E S -

-Use of your cover on the Quote Book on our profile for a month (with credit to you, of course!)


-Exclusive "Squad Graphics Awards" sticker

-Bragging rights

Squad Graphics Awards [OPEN]Where stories live. Discover now