Chapter 2

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Kasumi ken POV

The sounds of birds chirping and water rushing brought me out of my gore filled dream. A peaceful awakening for once. Wait. Birds chirping and water rushing? I got up with a start and observed my surroundings. Tall trees loomed over my small figure and on each branch was a small bird, chirping cautiously. Beams of sunlight were streaming through the gaps in between the branches. I let out painful coughs as I realised how dry my throat was. I listened to the sound of rushing water and hoped that it would lead me to a clean water source. As I began to walk the trees became less dense and I was soon met with a lush field of green. There was a small stream in front of a large tree that harvested ripe red apples. I rushed to the stream and ripped my mask off the my face. I gulped down gallons of water that trailed down my throat, soothing the dryness. After I drank more then enough water I put my mask back on and plopped onto the grass, allowing myself to be swept away by the warm embrace of the sun. I long came to the conclusion that I was no longer in Tokyo. I watched the clouds that moved slowly and took shape of different things. I spotted an elephant that I only ever saw in pictures, a bird that soared across the sky in an ever lasting freedom and Hide's smiling face. If I just reached far enough I swear I could touch them. But I can't. Not now. Not ever. I would always be stuck here with invisible chains that bounded me to the ground.

The sound of numerous pounding footsteps disturbed my peace. I quickly got up and looked at where the sound was coming from. It came from inside the forest and it seemed to be approaching me at a rapid speed. Hide, escape or fight. My stomach rumbled and I remembered that I never got to eat anything. Perfect timing then. I quickly jumped onto the apple tree, concealing my presence.

"Water! I found water! Plus a really good spot to rest!" An energetic voice said. The person stepped out from the forest and he seemed to be about the same age as me. He had light brown hair that almost seemed golden in the light and blue piercing eyes. A bright smile covered his face as he jumped around eagerly. He looks tasty. A girl with short bright green hair with brown eyes ran out of the forest frantically after him. When she found the boy she grew a tic mark and ran towards him. She slapped him on the head while the boy just whined.

"Don't go off by yourself you Bakeshi!" She screamed at him in rage but behind that I could hear a tint of worry.

"Alright alright. By the way It's Takeshi for the last time." He said with a cheeky smile. They both had some sort of forehead protector on. I squinted to try to see the symbol on it but they were too far away.

"Sensei is on his way. Let's pick some of those apples to give to him as an apology okay?" The girl suggested with a pointed look. Takeshi scratched the back of his head and nodded sheepishly. Three people in one serving sounded divine right now. My stomach continued to rumble as I imagined the meal I was about to have. As they approached their scents became more prominent. They smelt like perfectly barbecued steak and my mouth began to water. My eye started to throb as I felt an itching sensation on my back. My Kagune was begging to be let out. I tried to control myself as they stopped at the front of the tree.

"Do you sense someone or is that just me?" The girl questioned warily to the boy. He simple shook his head while staring hungrily at the apples in front of him. I raised my eyebrow at the girl. If she was a ghoul I wouldn't mind having her as an ally. But right now she is human and the strong must devour the weak. The boy suddenly got into a familiar stance and made some hand signs. I gasped, remembering the person from before. Were the 2 people here part of that persons gang? All the more reason to kill them. He calmly began to climb the tree and I was shocked to see him climb it without his hands. How? I finally let my presence known as I jumped from the branch and pushed the boy back onto the ground. He seemed to land painfully on his foot but he quickly got up into that strange fighting stance.

"Who are you?"
He questioned while staring at my petite frame. I was still wearing the skin tight black body suit and my mask was less then inviting.

"Look at her eye. She probably has a kekkei genkai."
The girl whispered to the boy while staring into my one eye that wasn't covered.

"Kasumi Ken. Pleasure to meet you."
I said while giving them a mock bow. They glared at me and the boy pulled something out of his pocket. A sharp dagger gleamed in his hand as he pointed it threateningly at me. I smirked behind my mask at their pathetic attempt to intimidate me.

"I really would love to talk to you for longer but I'm really hungry."
I said to them as the itch in my back became less bearable. The boy dropped his hand and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"We can eat the apples together then."
He said to me while the girl just nudged him with her elbow. I laughed at his statement and clutched my stomach. My stomach growled again and I knew I couldn't wait any longer. I stopped laughing and straightened up.

I said before my Kagune ripped out of my back. The 2 of them let out a shrill scream as they stared at my beastly form. In one jump I was in front of them and my Kagune pinned both of them on the ground. Tears were streaming down their faces as they desperately clawed at my Kagune at their throats. The strong must devour the weak I reminded myself.

"Please. Please. At least let her go. You can have me instead. Please!"
He begged as his face began to turn slightly blue.

"Are you crazy? If we go down. We go down together."
The girl chocked out as she gripped onto the boys hand. I felt something warm trail down my face as I quickly slit both of their throats. I unzipped my mask as I felt a lump build up in my throat. What was this feeling? I dug my teeth into the boys shoulder as I took a chunk out of him. I continued to eat both of them as something wet landed on my hands. Water? I wiped my face and realised that the water was coming from me. From my eyes. I suddenly heard a scream from behind me. An older person stood shaking behind me as he stared at the people I was eating.

"What. What did you do?"
He asked me with tears streaming down his face. He looked at my face in shock while muttering a word.


As he uttered that word all feeling I had disappeared. My thoughts were clear and my heart was empty. I stood up and wiped my blood stained hands on my clothes. He began to back away as I sprinted forward.


Third person POV

Three unrecognisable bodies lay next to each other. Motionless. The grass resembled the colour of the red apples that hung from the large oak tree. Three Tsuchi headbands gleamed on their foreheads. They all held each other's hands as their insides lay spread out among them. Together they were weak and together they reached their end.

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