How You Meet

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You were wandering around the island until suddenly THUMP! "Oh my, you're not hurt are you?" You asked the person you just bumped into picking up their book. "Other than having a slight headache, and having my book thrown out of my hands again today, I believe I will live." You look up at him and realized that it was Noah that you bumped into. You smirked at him "Not if Chris throws you into an alligator's mouth you won't." "Yeah, I know" Noah replied skimming through the pages of his book until he found his page. "(Y/N)" You stuck your hand out for him to shake. "Noah. Why are you here?" He asked. "Fun?" You tried "Yeah, sure being thrown off a cliff into shark infested waters was fun" He replied with snark. "Heh, alliance?" You asked "let's be honest, no one wants to get off this island more than I do anyway, sure" you smirked at him again 'This will be fun' you thought to yourself.


"I'M SO BORED!" you complained loudly thumping your head on your desk to prove your point. If there was one word to describe you it'd be dead. Well that's what you felt like. You were as bored as bored could get. No one seemed to care about your outburst so you started to zone out and start thinking about whatever, until you felt your phone vibrate and checked it. Mike, who you had been best friends with since kindergarten, sent you a text. 

Mike: Hey! So remember how I said I had a surprise? 

You: Yeah, Why? 

He didn't answer you but the intercom sure did "Would (Y/N) (L/N) please come to the front office" it said. You grinned and headed for the office. There you saw your adorkable friend waiting for you and you smiled brightly. He scratched the back of his neck nervously "Heh... hey darling!" He said. You hugged him. "Thanks for the surprise." You whispered "Anytime." He whispered back


A transfer student arrived a few weeks back and you hated everything about him. He was so sickeningly sweet it made you wanna throw up. The way he had every girl wrapped around his little finger made you wanna pull his head into a headlock and make him feel pain. (A/N: hands up if you get the reference) He had flirted with you on occasion but you could care less. You were a girl of a calm, level-headed personality. So why did it take less than a minute around him to make you lose your cool? You overheard that he was going on the third season of Total Drama, you figured you would find out then.

'Well looks like I have a new rival girl to use my charm on. But... I'm not sure if I can because... She's already used hers on me.' he thought to himself as you walked off.


Being the 18th contestant to arrive had mostly nothing but disadvantages, mainly, you were one of the last to arrive and a majority of the other contestants knew your name and you knew basically no one and you were to awkward to introduce yourself.

Cody stared at (Y/N) Intently. '(Y/N)... She's so pretty. Her name fits her well too, beautiful name for a beautiful girl.' He thought to himself.

You simply just walked up to the other campers and sat down on your suitcase with your head resting in your hands. After the whole dock breaking incident, you decided to dry off, so you slowly walked to your cabin, just so you didn't disturb anyone. Halfway there was realised that you were being followed... well... stalked more like it. You stopped and turned around to see who it was, but didn't see any one, so you continued walking. Chris had the fire going and campers gathered around it, it was a fairly chilly night, suddenly a brown haired boy, which you recalled his name as Cody, walked over to you and SMELLED YOUR HAIR! Naturally, you reacted by slapping him across the face and running off into the woods.


"What was that!?"

-End Confessional-


You turned on the camera. "So... I'm (Y/N) and this is my audition for Total Drama. I am greatly athletic as shown by my many awards in soccer and gymnastics. I also love writing, drawing and acting, when I was younger I was in as many beauty pageants as I was allowed, I never won anything major but I had fun. I may have a short temper but I do get along great with anyone. I am also very sadistic, not that I intend to be." (Y/N) took in a deep breath and continued "If I was chosen, I guaranty you will not regret it." You smiled as you turned off the camera, but then suddenly remembered. You turned the camera back on "And as a side note, I have Intermittent Explosive Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder" You turned the camera off again and sighed in relief.

A few weeks later your mother called you down from your bedroom and told you that you had received mail, which you almost immediately opened up and suddenly yelled, scaring everybody within your immediate vicinity. "I GOT IN!!" You instantly rushed up to your room and started packing.


You back flipped off the boat then proceeded onto the dock high fiving Chris along the way. All the way along you felt like you were being watched intently, but you waved it off as just nerves.

'Damn, she's pretty. Her smile, her eyes, her everything. I think my heart just skipped a beat' Trent seemed to have zoned out while staring at you.

You walked up to him to introduce yourself properly. "Hi there! My name's (Y/N). Nice to meet you." You said politely. He shook your hand and stuttered out a response "I-i-I'm Trent... Nice, uh, Guitar case." He said absently. You pulled your guitar out "Do you play?" you asked him. He seemed to suddenly snap out of his daze and replied "Why yes I do!" With a huge smile.


(Y/N) was fifteenth to arrive. She looked around and silently greeted Chris then proceeded to walk towards the other campers, but she kept her distance from them. Until Geoff decided to walk up and introduce himself. "Yo, girl, the name's Geoff, what's yours?" He asked as he sat down beside you. Picking up a stick you wrote your name in the sand, and he nodded, "Yo, girl, why aren't you talking?" He asked chuckling. You then drew a picture of a phone in the sand and he handed you his. You put your number into it and registered his into yours. Y/N: Nice to meet you Geoff

"Campers!" Chris called you all over to gather around him. You stood up and walked off leaving a slightly confused but mostly amused Geoff in your wake.

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