When You Get Hurt

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Chris had set up the teenagers for their next competition, about half way through Noah and (Y/N) Were sitting on the bleachers reading. That is until Owen threw a ball that smacked (Y/N) right in the face. "(Y/N)!" Noah gasped in terror, moments later he was by her side. "(Y/N) Are you okay?" The normally sarcastic teen asked in pure concern. "Don't worry, you'll get through this, and whatever else this mad man throws at us" He turned to face Chris, an expression of anger flooded his face.


(Y/N) being her usually clumsy self managed to fall up the stairs heading to the school library. Vito was leaning against the wall trying to 'whoo' some girls, which worked but then he saw your crying figure on the ground. The shirtless teen came running to her aid and knelt down before, ignoring the others around him. "Oh man, Mike is gonna kill me" He spoke in a worried tone. "M-Mike?" (Y/N) asked weakly. "S-stay with me (Y/N)" Vito said, almost losing his cool. 


It was the first night of Total Drama season 3 and (Y/N) had already gotten into so much trouble, but the young girl wanted to make this interesting and approached Duncan. "I hear that you are the most fearsome playing on this show. That wouldn't happen to be true... now would it?" Duncan looked up from widdling his stick. "Who wants to know?" He growled. "Oh, it's just that I was told by Chef that I have immunity. For every. Single. Challenge" (Y/N) Smirked victoriously as she lied through her teeth. Duncan sighed and pointed to (Y/N) with his pointy stick, threatening her. "Well, you go off and tell your little buddy who serves slop and go die in a ditch! I'M winning the game!" He declared as he shoved her against the wall. "Pardon my intrusion, but chef would like to talk to you Duncan." Alejandro interrupted. (Y/N) smirked at the Spaniard who had just saved her neck... literally. (Y/N) hugged Alejandro as Duncan grumbled off into the main cockpit. "He didn't hurt you, did he?" Alejandro asked checking (Y/N) over for any injuries. "Only my pride, don't worry,I can handle myself, Romeo" (Y/N) teased as she walked off into the main cavern.


This was all Chris' fault. One moment (Y/N) was with her team and then the next she got separated, lost in the woods, that seemed to stretch on for miles. "Guys?!" She called out, only to receive no response. "I'm going to die out here" She mumbled to herself. Just then she heard footsteps. "Guys?! Who's out there?" She called out. When she head the footsteps increase she realized that it wasn't one of her fellow competitors, it was in fact a rabid bear. "Help!" (Y/N) called out, to no avail. She felt a sudden pain in her back and turned around to see the bear with blood on it's claws... her blood. She assumed that she had been scratched. She tumbled backwards, muttering her last words under her breath when suddenly she heard a plonk followed by a thump. "(Y/N) what are you doing here?" Cody asked as he slowly climbed down the tree hie was sitting on, before asking. "Are you okay?" "Just severely bleeding, don't mind me" (Y/N) joked as Cody held her in his arms and took her back to camp.


"Oh this is gonna be good!" Chris exclaimed rubbing his hands together in pure excitement, "Are the camera's rolling Chef?" Chris asked. "Of course, they are always rolli-" "OH NO! IS THAT (Y/N)?!" Chris exclaimed as he rushed out to give the temper child a hand. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Why do you care?" (Y/N) retaliated. "You're not hurt are you?" he asked again. "Nah, it's not like Duncan pushed me into a piranha pit" (Y/N) exclaimed sarcastically. "I'm so sorry, I'll make sure it never happens again" Chris halfheartedly apologized, this took (Y/N) back by surprise. "You're serious?" She asked. Chris simply nodded in response.


"NO! (Y/N)!" Trent yelled as he pushed his way to the front of the crowd. "How did this happen?" He asked darkly, his black fringe covering his eyes so people couldn't see the fury. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" He repeated. "No one knows... she just collapsed. I'm sorry Trent, but she's very seriously hurt, she needs to be taken to the hospital." Leshawna tried to reason with the emotion driven rocker. "I'll take her to med bay, the rest of you back off." He growled as he picked up (Y/N)'s limp body. (A/N: I swear she's not dead)


She couldn't scream out, she wouldn't be heard. She could feel the dizziness start to affect her walking. She managed to stay stable enough to send a text to the one person, she knew she could trust, she had typed in the coordinates to where she was and hit send just before she hit the ground, passing out.

"Hey dudes, sorry, (Y/N) wants me... she sent me coordinates, maybe she found the invincibility statue" Geoff shrugged as he left to cabin.

About half an hour later, Geoff saw (Y/N)'s body lying on the ground. "(Y/N)! Dude! What happened? Are you okay? Speak to me-  Oh... Uh... Hold on." Geoff picked up (Y/N) and took her to the infirmary

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