Hanging Out

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Author's note: I swear to you all, I am not dead, and that I have not stopped uploading this book, I just have been really uninspired, and I certainly was not thinking that this book would take off like it did, thank you all so much for your patience and sticking through my delaying, as some of you know, I have been really busy with other projects with a few of my friends, some of them,I will announce when they are properly ready, and a few others will be started properly in the next couple of months, until then I promise that you will see this book getting updated more frequently, but don't hold me to that, I will try to upload every Friday if not, then I will upload sometime over the weekend. Again, so sorry for my absence, and since it's been a while some of these characters may be out of character and I apologize, I will need to rewatch the series to get back into this. So once again, thank you for waiting, and I will stop rambling so you guys can can get to reading what you all came here for. 



(Y/N) was sitting on a log by the campfire reading a book, until it was snatched out of her hands "Hey!" she yelled. "Oh, were you reading this?" Noah smirked, waving the book in front of her face. "Yes I was! Now give it back!" (Y/N) yelled. "Whoa, calm down Princess, getting a bit feisty there" (Y/N) hadn't realized until she looked around, almost all the other campers, were staring at the two. She was drawing attention to herself... 'Crap' "Would you like to go elsewhere... less social?" Noah asked, gesturing to the docks. (Y/N) nodded and smiled, her previous annoyance had somewhat disappeared at the thought of being alone with Noah.


It had been a week or so, and neither (Y/N) or Mike had any notice whether or not if they had gotten into the new season of Total Drama, not that either of them really minded that much. For (Y/N)'s psychology class she was assigned to study a mental disability of her choosing, and she chose to study multiple personality disorder, (Y/N) figured it would be easier to get Mike's knowledge and experiences to help aid her research instead of copying and pasting straight from Wikipedia, like the rest of her class would be doing, he happily obliged. While (Y/N) was typing away what she had already written down Mike had been entertaining himself until the room fell deathly silent, (Y/N) turned her head to ask Mike a question only to notice that he fell asleep. (Y/N) chuckled and went to fetch him a blanket, only to come back and see him doing a Pirouette on the couch. "What?" (Y/N) laughed completely confused, Mike never told her that his personalities could take control while he was asleep. 


The bell had rung and (Y/N) had been the first out of the class when she was confronted by Alejandro. "Senorita, I was wondering, would you do me the honor of walking out of the school with me?" (Y/N) glared at him before rolling her eyes. "Alright fine" She gasped exasperatedly. "If you are going to walk with me, then here" She shoved her books into his arms, in a somewhat joking but demanding tone. "You asked, and I forgot to mention, I am very high-maintenance, watch your head Pretty boy" (Y/N) smirked before walking off to her locker. Just barely missing the smirked that Alejandro had spread across his face. (Y/N) had to admit, Alejandro had his charms... but she wouldn't fall for his tricks.


(Y/N) had walked up to Cody so that she could apologize for slapping him earlier, because her conscience was eating away at her 'Screw you conscience' she muttered. "Uh, hey... Cody right?" (Y/N) attempted at being a normal human, Cody didn't respond, he just seemed to be in a daze. Confused and slightly creeped out (Y/N) tried to think of another way to get his attention. "CODY I WANT TO BE FRIENDS!" (Y/N) yelled, somehow, (A/N: by the power of plot convenience) snaps him out of his trance like state. "Welcome back to the world of the living, we have marshmallows" She joked tossing him her marshmallow. Cody looked up at her confused. (Y/N) just shrugged, "I don't eat them"


(Y/N) had stormed into the mess hall, with one thing on her mind. Chris. Chris had been in the kitchen talking with chef, mostly to avoid having to face (Y/N). (Y/N) walked up to Leshawna and, as calmly as she could, asked "Where is he?" Surprised that her tone was a lot more calmer then she was intending, she growled for extra effect. Unfazed Leshawna simply pointed to the kitchen and said "While you're in there, making out or whatever, can you get us some food?" (Y/N) didn't respond, mainly to hide her light blush. Like hell she would make out with McLean! He's like way older than she is, why would she ever like him that way... then again, why is she debating this? She walked into the kitchen and for a split moment saw potent fear in Chris' eyes. She reveled in it.


It was fairy early in the morning, so early that the sun wasn't even up yet. (Y/N) Was naturally an early riser, so this was nothing new for her, she decided that instead of waking someone else in the cabin she would go out to the campfire area and play a few songs on her guitar, what she wasn't expecting was for someone to already be there. It was Trent "Why are you up, we have a challenge in the morning, don't we?" she asked him. "I could ask you the same." Trent smirked, as he strummed a chord, before gesturing for (Y/N) to sit down next to him "Not that I mind the extra company" He smiled softly, before continuing to play.


It was fairly late in the afternoon, and neither of you were really all that hungry, so you both went out to the dock, just to out. Geoff kept talking about his 'bro's' back at home, and how he was happy that he had at least met someone cool here too. (Y/N) couldn't help but blush at the compliment. Then he went on to talk about a couple of his wildest parties with (Y/N) just listening, she smiled and nodded for him to continue. Being mute she took notice of a lot of things most people would never really notice. Like body language, and they fluctuation of their tone. Geoff was one of those rare guys who were really enthusiastic about everything he was talking about, which made her smile even more.

A/N: CHAPTER THREE IS DONE, and chapter four will be out tomorrow, so you guys have something to look forward too, until next time, piece out Arkers


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