Day 2

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After the challenge, you and Noah were both reading by the fire. "You know, Noah, I never actually saw you jump" (Y/N) stated monotonously. "I could say the same of you. Chicken." Noah mocked. "Hey, I have a mental condition that prevented me from jumping" (Y/N) stated defensively "You mean, 'Sanity'?" He turned a page of his book. "What? If I had that, do you think I would be here?" (Y/N) rolled her eyes "Then why are you here?" Noah asked "I told you, for fun" (Y/N) turned a page of her book "heh, If you say so" Noah smirked


(Y/N) decided to go for a jog the next morning before the day got too hot. In the distance she saw Mike. What was he doing up this early? He liked to sleep in. "Mike!" (Y/N) Called out. Mike turned around at the call of his name. "Oh hey (Y/N) So good to see you out here" He smiled awkwardly. (Y/N) knew something was up, he wasn't usually this awkward around her. "So you know how I wanted to sign up for the next season of Total Drama?" Mike asked. "Oh yeah, what about it?" "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to join" Mike offered. But before (Y/N) could answer Mike, suddenly he walked into a tree face first. "Oh god, Mike are you okay?" (Y/N) asked, in case he was hurt. Mike gasped and yelled out in an elderly man's voice "Flaming trees! getting in my way! back in my day these were twigs! I'll show you why!" He then proceeded to kick the tree, furthering his frustration even more. "Mike?" (Y/N) asked, concerned for her friend. Mike gasped again "Oh god, I am so sorry that you had to witness that (Y/N), I was meaning to tell you sooner but I could never bring myself to do it and..." Mike continued to ramble. (Y/N) giggled snapping Mike out of his thoughts "It's okay Mike, I think it's cool that you have alternate personalities" She smiled. "hehe... really?" he asked. "Of course!" She giggled. 


(Y/N) had been sitting in a booth at her school's cafeteria reading a novel by her favorite author of all time (Favorite/Author) When the new kid Alejandro walked up and disturbed her peace and quiet. "What do you want?" (Y/N) snapped. "Hey, hey, senorita, I only came here to ask a request of you" He stated "And that is?" she asked impatiently. "I was wondering would you do me-" He started. "I'm gonna cut you off right there Al, no I will not go to the fall formal, and no I will not be your date, now I'm leaving, don't bother asking again Al, my answer will not change" (Y/N) Stated, packing up her books. Alejandro visibly shuddered when (Y/N) called him 'Al' "Do not all me that" He stated as calmly as he could, without turning around. "What?" (Y/N) asked, turning back to face the Spaniard. "I can't stand being called 'Al'..." He shuddered again. (Y/N) smirked before covering it up with a mock apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I just assumed..." (A/N: DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER!? ... ...I'll leave now) Alejandro held up his hand "It's okay senorita, you didn't know" He smiled genuinely, which caught (Y/N) off guard, she felt herself lightly blush, before clearing her throat and turn back around "I need to go otherwise I'm gonna be late." She restated. "Of course, off you go Sol, I'll see you around" (Y/N) felt her smirk appear again. "Okay, see ya Al!" She said before she raced off, leaving a confused and annoyed Alejandro in her wake


"(Y/N), Hey" Cody whispered in your ear, creepily. You shifted away from him hiding behind DJ. Chris walked up to the elimination podium. "The following campers are safe; DJ, Cody" Chris said as he tossed out marshmallows to each of the campers. 'Oh, please let (Y/N) be safe, I'd hate for her to go home this early in the show' Cody thought to himself. "Duncan, Courtney, (Y/N)..." Chris continued. (Y/N) saw Cody breathe in an obvious sigh of relief "good to know that someone is happy that I didn't go" (Y/N) said absently. Cody mumbled something under his breath. (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders "And you live on to creep another day" She stated 


"MCLEAN! I AM NOT JUMPING!"(Y/N) Yelled as she marched up to the host. "Why not? Is it because you are chicken?" Chris mocked. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO YOU'RE MESSING WITH, MCLEAN!" (Y/N) yelled at the host. There was a beat of silence with (Y/N) straining into his eyes, with fury. "Half an hour show!"Chris said, as he pushed (Y/N) off the cliff with a big smile on his face. "YOU'LL REGRET THAT MCLEAN!" (Y/N) yelled as she fell. Thankfully she landed in the safe zone. When she walked out onto the beach, the water seemed to completely evaporate from her body. Her face was beetroot red. anyone could tell she was peeved. "YOU'RE A DEAD MAN MCLEAN!" (Y/N) yelled.


"Um.. Trent, you've been staring at me for a while" (Y/N) said. "Oh my apologies (Y/N), it's just that, your eyes are so gorgeous in the moonlight" Trent said, sighing dreamily and continued to stare at you "Um... yeah, well, goodnight Trent" (Y/N) said awkwardly as she walked into cabin. (Y/N) collapsed onto her bottom bunk and stared blankly at the bunk above her, recounting the events of the day 'I think Trent likes me' She thought to herself. Soon after soon after, she fell asleep.


"Man, for someone who doesn't talk, you sure know how to plan a party" Geoff smiled at (Y/N), she smiled back glad that she made at least, one friend while she were on the island. DJ came up to you two and turned to Geoff "Yo, Geoff, do you wanna come join me and the guys?" he asked. "Sorry DJ, but (Y/N) and I have plans" Geoff smiled. DJ just shrugged and said "Okay, but you're gonna miss one hell of a time." and with that he walked off (Y/N) looked at Geoff and signed '-What happens if I get voted off, before you do?-' "What makes you say that?" Geoff asked, concern showing indefinitely '-... No reason-' you smiled and went back to planning 

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