Friend Zoned

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After being kicked out of the cabin, until everyone had gotten ready for bed, (Y/N) decided to read on a log by the camp fire, she noticed that Noah was over there and smirked. "Hey, Mind if I join you?" she asked. Noah shrugged without looking up from his book. "You know, back at home I've never had a friend like you, someone who is willing to put up with me and such." (Y/N) said randomly. "I suppose I could say the same thing" Noah agreed. Ten minutes passed both Noah and (Y/N) realized they were friend zoned. "Well then" (Y/N) scoffed 


Hey Mike! I was wondering if..." (Y/N) paused. "What's wrong sweet cheeks?" Manitoba asked, turning around to face (Y/N) "Oh... I just wanted to ask Mike a question... Well rather tell him something more to the point" (Y/N) said. In Mike's subconscious he peered through the mirror. "Maybe she will ask to be my girlfriend!" Mike hoped. "I wanted to see if he got his acceptance letter for Total Drama season four" Mike was crushed. "Heyo, I told ya not ta get ya hopes up" Vito told Mike who looked physically exhausted. "yeah... I guess you're right" Mike nodded.


As (Y/N) was getting ready to leave for Total Drama World Tour, there was a knock at the front door, which she answered. "Miss (Y/N) would you accompany me to the airport" Alejandro asked offering her, his hand. (Y/N) glares at him simply turning around and slapped his hand away. "You go on ahead, I'm not finished packing" (Y/N) smirked, before shutting the door on Alejandro's face.


Cody approached (Y/N) later after the elimination ceremony and spoke softly so that the others wouldn't hear him. "Hey (Y/N)" (Y/N) looked up at Cody. "What's up?" Cody drew in a breath and spoke calmly. "I really like this girl, but I don't know how to tell her... Any advice?" He asked. (Y/N) blinked "Do I know her?" She asked. "Yeah... But I can't tell... Any advice?" (Y/N) sighed, closing her book. "Just tell her that you like her and ask her out. It's way easier and she'll probably appreciate the honesty in it. No mixed signals, just tell her!" (Y/N) smiled. "Okay..." Cody nodded as he absorbed the information. "(Y/N), will you go out with me?" he asked. "No" (Y/N) Responded almost instantly.


(Y/N) walked up to Chris at some point during breakfast and asked him "Should we have lunch together, away from the children?" she asked. "Sorry kiddo, I've got a meeting with my producer" (Y/N) sighed angrily. "OF COURSE YOU DO! YOU'RE ALWAYS SO BUSY!" (Y/N) yelled and ranted as she walked off to join LeShawna at the table again. "Yeesh. She blows up at me ALL THE TIME!" Chris complained. "Though, she is an interesting competitor and awesome addition to the show" He smirked as he watched (Y/N) continue to rant to her table.


As the two worked on songs until the sun rose up somehow the conversation had changed to previous partners that the two had had in the past. "If I asked you out what would be your response?" Trent asked. "Do you want the truth or one of those little white lies that doesn't hurt your feelings?" (Y/N) asked back. "The honest truth" Trent responded back with a soft smile. "Trent, dude, you're a nice guy and all, but you're not for me, sorry... but we can still be friends right?" Said confidently as if she had it already mentally planned. Trent's smile faded "Oh..." He whispered before going back to writing their songs


(Y/N) silently laughed at another one of Geoff's jokes. '-You're probably the funniest person I have ever met-' she signed. Geoff grinned as well, "And you're the sweetest friend a guy could ask for" He chuckled. (Y/N) paused slightly before forcing a smile '-yeah, best buds!-' she 'agreed' "So, I know you're not the party type, but what do you say? We party when our team wins?" Geoff suggested. (Y/N) nodded with glee. Geoff suddenly got up and called out "I'm going to do a flip!" and proceeded to jump off the dock, only to get his foot caught on a rope, causing him to crash. (Y/N) flinched away, knowing how much that would have hurt. Geoff popped back up on to the dock. '-Geoff don't you hurt yourself, you should stop-' (Y/N) signed in a feeble attempt to gain his attention. "Don't worry bro I will stop... a few minutes" Geoff said, jumping off the dock again, having history repeat itself, causing (Y/N) to cover her eyes in embarrassment.

(A/N: Sorry if Geoff seems out of character, I was struggling with him, out of everyone, because my focus has been everywhere, anyway, Updates every Thursday at either 8 AM or 8 PM, whenever I remember to update, see you later Arkers)

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