alien invasion 7

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Dedicated to Captainvaladez

Alien invasion 7-family dinner

That night all Justin had done is glare at the innocent well not so innocent creature while the creature was playing with his siblings and this mother just kept on closing at him everyone was ignoring Justin even his siblings he frowned he wasn't jealous okay maybe he was a little jealous but can you blame him of course not he wondered if his family had noticed that zayn was talking to them go through their minds with his freaky powers

"So Justin where did you meet zayn"his mother asked while Justin chockerd on a drink while zayn used the napkin pretending to clean up his mouth

" at school "

"My home" zayn voice says through everyone in the house mind loud ands clear making Justin glare at him

"His home how do you know his home" Justin mom asked making Justin choke on water again

"Um I um I...." Justin stammered

"I took him there " zayn voice interrupted again making Justin send him a greatful smile while zayn just shrugged testing out the human weird food he had nearly not eaten it was scary looking and it was called PIZZA and it scared him

"Ohhh that's great so how was school today" pattie asked


" fun what's boring "zayn says with a grin which make pattie grin thinking zayn was feeding Justin but really he didn't know what this BORING was or what it meant and Justin noticed he began to chuckle while he wondered how humans made such weird noise

" omg Justin I love this one is he staying over"

"I don't know" Justin groaned

"Well he can if he wants common jay and jazz let me get you to bed" she says while leading the two sleepy kids towards their room as soon as she left justin walked up to zayn grabbed the pizza away from him making zayn to whine

"Whaaaa" zayn whined using his mouth for once

"What are you doing"he says as he watch zayn sniff the pizza looking all weird

" checking for danger" zayn replys making Justin laugh he shook his head before putting the slice of pizza in his mouth while zayn watched with interest

" how does it taste"zayn asked through the mind link

"You mean you gave never had pizza" justin gasps

"No"zayn replys

"What do you normally eat"Justin asked

"Humans"zayn says in a bored tone and mind like voice

"What" Justin says as he pales while zayn laughed at his expression

Joking"zayn says using his mouth again he grins while Justin groaned started walking up the stairs while zayn followed behind him but also carry the pizza box since Justin could eat it he could to as soon as they arrived zayn sat frown on the computer chair and finished the pizza he sat back studying the human who was doing homework as soon as Justin was done he closed the book only to meet the alien stare

"So I have one bed let's get to sleep he says as he lays down moving and leaving space for the alien boy who had turned blue again but the alien boy simply layed on the floor with talking making Justin eyes widen

" what are you doing"

"Sleepin" zayn says through the mind link

"Get up " Justin orders making zayn to stand up

"Sleep with me here" Justin uttered

"Humans only sleep with something when they want to have sex sex sex can be defined as the process by which one put...-zayn starts to say fluently making Justin to gape yet herushed and covered the aliens mouth before he could say more his cheek flushed

" shut up zayn nothing is going to happen guys don't do guys well some do but but I won't"Justin explained or tried too

"OK " zayn shrugged while laying next to Justin as they both stared at the ceilings

"But why can't guys" zayn asked through the mind link

"Because I -i&-I don't know got sleep zayn" Justin stammered and blushed turning the other way

"Oh OK then" a confuse alien says before copying Justin moving and turning so their backs were facing on another

Zayn closed his eyes and let the spell of the night to take over him while on the other side Justin was still blushing and wondering why he was wondering why it was his fate to know aliens existed he knows he should run but he wasn't he know he should tell someone they are in danger but he wouldn't he doesn't know what it was but he trust this alien who goes by the name of zayn malik

Solo who loves this because I know I do I feel like drama should be coming on soon so stick around thanks for reading and thanks for your comments and votes to I absolutely love you guys your the best.Y

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