alien invasion 12

66 3 0

Third persons prov

It has been three days and zayn has been no where to be found yes justin did search for him not once but a lot more than that it started with that one day he couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed his touch light and walked out of the door in search of his alien buddy who even if he was outside he was more safer than justin who is just a mere human. Justin searched every crook and corner even eventually made his way into the forest hoping to come face to face with the mothership but that didn't happen of course he cannot even remember where he had met zayn. Everything from day felt like a blur to him so he turned his touch light and turned around returning back home with a heavy heart as zayn was no where to be found.

"damn another eclipse i thought that happens only once in a year or something"heidi states a frown on her face as she stares out of the window

"well obviously not look it's happening again"Justin says absentmindedly he had better things to think about that where better than another eclipse things like zayn and his study

"i hate this to be honest-

"justin are you even listening to me"heidi nearly screams snapping the boy out of his trance he looks up at her with wide eyes

"huh oh no sorry what did you say"justin asks looking away from the book he was reading for once

"simply rude"heidi states with an eye roll while Justin sends her an apologetic look

"sorry i was just reading something you should be doing too"Justin says using the sharp tongue he hardly uses

"whatever so what's up with you and zayn"heidi asks  making Justin's head snap up while opening and closing his mouth like a fish as no words really came out making heidi smirk how could that boy render Justin who always had something to say speechless was a miracle to her

"justin"she says loudly making the boy stop thinking of what to say

"he is fine ...just went back to england i think"justin says with a distant look on his face

"you think"she asks narrowing her eyes at him because what was he hiding from her this time

"yeah i haven't really seen him in a while "justin says and its not a lie but heidi thinks it is as she huffs making Justin roll his eyes at his friend who is always extra

"yeah you totally haven't" seen the guy you might have a crush on in a while "she mutters but makes sure justin hears he looks up at her suddenly it is hard to keep the smirk off of her face

"excuse me"justin says in disbelief

"you have been excused"she replies not missing a beat

"heidiiii you know what forget it this I'm going to pretend you never said that"justin groans

"you know what i think maybe the lovers quarrel you and him had was about him moving away or somewhat"heidi teased making justin freeze

"it was not "justin says tensely making her frown

"then what was it about"heidi asks carefully

"never mind is this your way of making me tell you about things"

"and if it is tell me"heidi whiness

"i called him a thief alright"justin states making heidi frown in realisation

"what the fuck justin"she states in disbelief

"i know and the funny part was that he didn't steal anything I'm sorry for calling him names "justin rants

"you shouldn't be telling me that tell him instead"heidi states

"don't you think i have tried he seems to have suddenly vanished from the face of the earth"Justin rambles making Heidi roll her eyes

"yeah right"heidi states before her phone beeps she holds a finger to justin before she answered the call

"like literally"justin mutters to himself  as he closes his book wondering where zayn is has he gone back to his galaxy its funny to say but justin misses the boys blue skin that is only for his eyes or that was what he told himself he misses how the boys eyes lightens up after he learns something new or how he has this cute accent when he struggles to speak English or how the boy seems to like taking risks. He missed those long eye lashes,that pouty lips,those thick black locks okay so this is getting weird real fast but the thing is that Justin doesn't care,he just wants the boy to be his friend again no matter how weird the boy is he likes that about him he just hopes the boy is alright and hopes that zayn would find it somewhere in his heart to forgive him for his stupid accusation that just came out due to rage that he really needs to learn how to tame.

"justin"a voice yells snapping justin away from his trance

"huh"he says stupidly

"didn't you hear it"heidi asks

"hear what "justin asks

"the bell it's time to go home "heidi says while holding a hand out for him to take he grabs it and pulls himself up the two of them make their way out of the school library

"so who were talking to earlier on you looked pissed"justin asks as they exit the school building

"who else if not mami I was getting yelled at because yesterday liam came over at 2 am but i was the one who invited him because i was hor-"hridi starts to rant but justin cuts her off

"okay girl to much info"Justin says dramatically

"like I'm going to tell you about my sex life anyway back to the topic mom caught us and now I'm grounded she called me to remind me to come straight home but she just had to scream it because well she says I'm stubborn but i don't think i am do you think i am"Heidi rants making Justin smirk she always does this when she is pmsing but he wasn't about to mention it or he would get burned like literally

"oh yes you are a stubborn loud mouth with no filter woman  do i need to go on"Justin says in a sickening sweet voice that had Heidi glaring at him

"wow Justin you are so nice"heidi says through clenched teeth

"honest you say nice i say honest"Justin says with a smirk

"anyway now i gotta go bye"heidi says as they approach the road that they part ways

"okay bye hei-"justin starts to say but got cut of by a loud crashing sound and a rush of pain that he is not sure any human can endure before everything goes black


So i just wanted to say HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE GUYS i hope you enjoy this update and also don't forget to vote,comment and thanks for reading

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