the dollhouse 11

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Zayn stumbled down the stairs eyes red from all the crying and liam opens his mouth to speak but zayn is holding up a hand to stop him but liam was more stubborn

"look zayn

"please don't talk to me"

"i want to tell you something important its not even about dad or mom"

"are you seeing someone"liam asks out of no where

"uhhhhhh no"zayn says liam doesn"t have to know

"zayn"liam asks

"no im not"zayn says defensively

"ok ok calm down i wasn'
t going to ask you again i just wanted to let you know that im seeing someone or well i was"

"oh that's good whats her name is she beautiful "zayn says with a smile

"yes her name is cheryl"

"cheryl as in our english teacher"zayn asks


"Oh my God"zayn gasps

"i know it just happened and i was the one who went after her that's why i had to transfer last year"liam says

"i didnt know that but i wont tell anyone"zayn says with a smile he was never really one to judge if liam liked older women then he should go be with them they are brothers after all and family never judge eachother

"no need to because mom knows and she wants us to move"


"yes us shes still processing it to take you along with us thats why we still havent left"


"what about niall and louis"zayn aks

"they would come visit time to time we might even go to the same college me and them i mean"liam explians

"oh so i will see them"zayb asks not listening anything his brother was saying

"yes zayn you would"karen says from the doorway

"omg i love you guys thank you for saving me "zayn says pulling them in for an embrace

"where are you huh"yaseer yells making zayns eyes widen


"come here"

Zayn could hear his father slurr but he wasnt going to go his father was drunk again

"im coming in there"his father yells making his eyes widen did he lock his door holy shit he didnt yaseer walks inside the room at the same time zay was crawling under his bed he could feel someone grab his feet making him kick he started to kick aimlessly while trying to hold on to the bed legs but his father was stronger he dragged zayn leg untill zayn was completely outside zayn looked up at him in fear while his father smirked

"so you think this is fun that karen want to leave me"yaseer says throwing a punch

"do you think she will take you along your my son not hers shes not your mother"yaseer says throes another punch but that punch was felt not just psysically but emotionally his fathers punches and kicks kept on going on and zayn refused to open his eyes he refused to let out a cry instead he closed his eyes wishing his mom was here she would have never allowed yaseer to hit him she loved him just the way he was

"you think its okay to be gay you are going to burn in hell God hates you"yaseer says and that was the last thing he heard before his head was smashed against the wall and his vision started to get blurry zayn stumbles left and right before tumbling down on his bed that was when he heard it the sound of his door opening the sound of someone heating someone and that someone wasnt him instead he streched his hands try to reach harry he pulled harry to his chest before sobbing the pain was finally hitting him and shit this was definitely to mych

"zayn are you okay"liams voice asks


"aw poor zayn"liak says pulling the biy in for a hug the boy sobs into his chest

"i just want to be normal"

"your normal

"no dad says God hates me"


"he said i would burn in hell"

"zayn please dont listen to anything she says he is the first to burn in hell he hit his own son"liam says making zayn giggles


"yes reallly now get some sleep tomorrow mom will tell us about the court days"

"court dates

"she took yaseer to court to fight for costody over you good night zee"liam says with a smile as zahn was grinning up at him

"good night big brother "zayn whispers soon the sound of the door slamming shut and being locked was heard liam locked it to protect him from his drunk father again he still wonders why his father hates him so much does his father want him to change does yaseer want him to hate dresses does he want him to hate harry does he want him to stop liking boys

"without losing a peace of of me how would i get to heaven i wish you were real hazza then you could have answered me then i would have felt better about having a friend "zayn says before closing his eyes. Traveling to a different town which his head as made as an escape from reality in other for him to be happy harry looked up at him with a smile his owner is cute when he is asleep zayn is just gorgeous really he has long and when he smiles like that its blinding the main thing was that zayn finally did it he made the wish the wish harry has been waiting for but then why isn't he changing what is happening

Sorry for not updating for like a week or two but i have been going through a writers block buttt that's over now thanks to my co writer lalee i hope you enjoy please don't forget to vote and comment i love you guys and also thanks for reading-ally

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