Chapter 2

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Leopold didn't walk into her chamber that night. Until the day after, he didn't meet his wife. Another presence disturbed the queen's sleep.
«Will you let them treat you this way? Like a slave?» the Dar One asked appearing beside the locked door of the room, illuminated only by the moon light. She loaded the last word with the disgust she felt, curling her thin lips painted in red.
Regina gave a jump at the sound of her voice. Her eyes snapped open on her. Fortunately she was half-asleep, or her heart would explode.
«Do you want to scare me to death?!» she exclaimed, annoyed by her sudden presence. She didn't even know her and she already dared to come into her chamber without her permission. She wrapped herself in the sheets despite the night-gown didn't let enything uncovered. «What should I do?» she asked sharply, nervous.
The Dark One laughed quietly. She distanced from the wall and slowly walked towards her.
«I already told you, Regina. If you wish to learn, you have to listen.»
«Yes, I got it...» the brunette grumbled. «If you're so poweful, do something yourself!»
The Dark One stared at her like if she was an idiot.
«What for? I'm not defending your honor forever, better, I won't ever. If you want something, Regina, you've gotta take it.» she scolded her givinge her a steel glare.
Regina stared back at her, anger in her eyes, that disappeared quickly though. She got out of bed and walked to the door. She closed her eyes, leaned her hand above the lock. It opened with a low rumor of gears.
A smile came back on the pale Dark One's face.
«Exactly, my dear.» she murmured, a sparkle of admiration in her gaze.
Regina didn't loose time basking in gloat. Magic flowed dense and hot in her veins. She walked out of the room and headed to the king's.
Emma followed her.
«Are you sure you're ready for this?» she whispered in her ear.
«He's not touching me again. Ever.» the other woman said gloomly. She flung the door open with a wide motion of her arms and entered the king's chambers. «Sire...» she woke him up impolitely.
Leopold sat abruptly, took off guard by Regina's entrance. He stared at her in confusion, his breath made quick and frantic by the sudden awakening.
«Regina, what...? You're supposed to be in your chamber...»
The youg woman's dark eyes met the king's figure.
«I know. But I've decided I won't ever do as you wish.... Your Majesty.»
The king frowned, confused.
Regina smirked. A fireball burnt in her right palm, illuminating a side of her face with menacing glares.
«You're never gonna hurt me again...» she whispered.
The king opened wide his eyes.
«Guards!» he shouted.
With a motion Regina locked the door with a deadly thump.
«None's coming to save you... like none saved me from you.»
The king goggled, unable to react.
Regina let the fire extinguish and unleashed her power differently, pinning the king to the wall. A gesture, and her hand was sinking inside the man's chest. She pulled it back, ripping out his hot and pulsing heart, brilliant and limpid in her hand.

The Dark One appeared inside the room, next to them.She paralyzed Leopold, giving him a long stare while she talked to the youngqueen.
«Makes you feel good, doesn't it?» she asked, her voice soft, almost honeyed.
Regina sneered staring at the king.
«Yes. Finally he fears me
Emma watched her for a long moment.
«Killing him wouldn't be wise.» she murmured.
«Why shouldn't I? He... used me...» Regina answered with anger, her eyes watered bythe last word, ripped from her pink lips.
Emma kept staring at her. Something passed in her eyes, the shadow of anemotion.
«He's more useful alive. As the king, in your hands. A puppet. You'll just haveto talk to his heart.» she explained, her voice flat.
Regina eyed the heart in her hands and squeezed it a little, a smile on herface. She looked at the king.
«You shall do as I say.»
With a wave of her hand the Dark One freed Leopold from his invisible prison.The king nodded towarss the queen, and stayed silent, a blank expression on hisface.
Emma kept her eyes on her. An impalpable veil of sadness layed on her face.
«From now on I will choose everything.» the young woman plowed on.
Emma summoned a little black whirl that made a chest appear, not very large,just a bit larger than her hand but precious, the wood finely engraved anddecorated by the metallic hinges. She handed it to the queen, who put Leopold'sheart in it.
Emma secretly sighed.
«Now that you really are this kingdom's queen... what are you up to?» she akedher. There was something weird in her tone, like a burden.
«I don't know...» the girl anwered sincerely, barely noticing it, her mind busylooking for an answer to the Dark One's question. «In the meantime, I will makeSnow's life a living hell.» she sneered.
«The Dark One's eyelids contractedslightly.
«You won't kill her?» she asked, tensed.
Regina shook her head.
«No. It would be too easy and she wouldn't suffer enough.»
The woman's shoulder relaxed a bit. She started walking around the room, lookingat Leopold as if the man was hiding something from her.
«So what do you want to do to her?» Another question, her voice lit by thecuriosity.
Regina turned her back to Leopold and walked out of the room while she wastalking.
«I will make her loose her father's love. That girl will loose everything sheloves... like I did because of her.»
Her laughter steeped the room, left empty by the Dark One's vanishing.    

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