Chapter 6

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Helloooo!!! It's been centuries aaand we're really bad people, but hey, bad girls are the best xD ;) Jokes apart, we're super sorry we couldn't go on with the translation so far. Here's the sixth chapter by the way, sorry again, and hope you'll enjoy it!

Regina put Henry to sleep after kissing him goodnight. She went to her room, willing to sleep, but she couldn't. The thought of Emma and of what she'd done kept her well awake.

«Emma...» she whispered in the dark.

Emma widened her eyes in her parents' house's darkness. She could hear Regina's voice calling her like if she had the dagger in her hands. She disappeared from her bed and appeared, dressed, next to the Mayor's.

«Emma? What are you doing here?» the brunette asked lifting from the pillows after a moment of astonishment. The Dark One frowned. Her white hair was still tied to make that bun of tresses on the back of her head.

«You called me.» she said as if it was obvious.

«I... didn't mean to. I'm sorry.» the other woman answered looking in her eyes, a little worried. Emma slightly narrowed her eyes.

«Are you okay?» she asked in a lower tone, worry filling her stare.

«Better than you, I guess.» Regina hinted a smile «I'm simply confused.»

Emma went closer to her and sat on the edge of the bed. The intimacy she had grown towards the Regina of the past didn't make her worry about how the present Regina would react about that.

«What do you remember?» she asked her in a low voice, in order to avoid Henry's awakening.

Regina moved uncomfortably next to her, giving her a weird glance; the light-blue nightie didn't leave much to Emma's imagination.

«I remember you, in the Enchanted Forest. You taught me magic. You made me cast the curse... And then the same things, but with Rumple. My memories are so confused...»

Emma looked away nodding slowly.

«That's why...» she whispered to herself. She then spoke louder, just a bit, so that Regina could hear her. «Both things happened.» She turned to look at her. «I'm sorry.» she said, sincere, the sense of guilt heavy ad painful in her grey eyes «I had to do horrible things, but... it was the only way.»

Regina held her hand.

«I know how you feel, but I would like to know why you did it...»

Emma sighed. She looked her in the eyes, hesitating. Talking about it would mean admitting that... But she couldn't lie to her. It wouldn't make sense. Despite that, her heart was hammering fast in her chest, frightened.

«I told you. You saved my life, and I did the same with you.» she murmured, her cheeks flushing red.

«You went back being the Dark One, you went back in time...» the brunette responded «Why didn't you stop me from casting the curse?»

«Because Henry wouldn't be born.» Emma whispered, her eyes filling with tears «And... it didn't happen like this. Fist I came back, then I became the Dark One.» she plowed on. A tear slid down on her face «I killed Gold... Rumplestiltskin. I knew where he kept the dagger. I read it in the booke before... leaving.» she confessed, an enormous weight on the stained heart. «I didn't know what else I could do...»

Without thinking, Regina went closer to her and dried the tear. Emma stayed still, used to the closeness and contact with her. Not to that gesture, sure, but the heat coming from her skin was so familiar to her now.

«Emma, I'm not judging you. I'm the last person who could. But you haven't told me the reason you traveled back in time yet...»

«You.» she whispered, tears now rushing all over her face despite Regina's intervention. «You were...» she couldn't say it, and in that moment she knew she would never be able to say it. She moved her gaze away from her for a moment. Just for a moment. «I'll show you. Tomorrow, together with the others.» she said suddenly leaping up. Her heart was pulsing like an open wound.

«You're this because of me... again?»the brunette asked standing up and moving in front of her. «Emma, don't run away...»

Emma stared at the floor for a very long moment. She sighed, then she was able to look Regina in the eyes again.

«It's not your fault. I could've stayed the Savior, but I wouldn't have been able to do what I had to.» she explained, her voice broken b the pain that she evidently was feeling. «How could I stay next to you as Emma? With your mother there, I would have lasted less than one day. And I didn't want you to... live all of that. But... I needed that curse for Henry. Back in Neverland you said you would have done everything again for him so... And I couldn't cast the curse.» Her explaination were confused, quick, overlayed words.

«Emma calm down.» Regina cut in, taking her hands. «I understand... I think. But what made you do all of this? There must have been something that happened and I would love it if you'd tell me...» she asked in a whisper. But Emma shook her head and stepped back.

«Please, Regina...» she whispered, her eyes filled with hot tears «I can't talk about it. Let me show you tomorrow, so that I have to live ita gain just once. Please, I'm nota s strong as you are...»

The brunette stepped back, rigid.

«You're stronger than me, but I understand why you won't tell me. Goodnight Emma.» she replied, suddenly cool. Emma opened her mouth to protest, but then she resigned. She disappeared inside the black vortex of her power.

Regina watched her vanish, a mix of disappointment and anger in her dark eyes. 

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