Little Scamander

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And yet another few months later

Newts P.O.V

I was sleeping silently and contently until something hard hit me in the chest,

"Ow!" I said I opened my eyes to see Tina sitting up her hand was on my chest, mystery solved.

"Sorry," she said wincing "I just had the worst contraction and it woke me up I didn't mean to hit you." She said

I sat myself up next to her "are you okay?" I asked, she nodded and started to lay down again. I relaxed and did the same, Tina wasn't due for another month and occasionally she would get an awful contraction.

"Newt?" I heard Tina whisper


"Uh I don't think she's going to wait a whole month," she said

I turned to her "what do you mean?" I asked

She winced again "it's just I don't remember contracting this bad before," she put her hand on her stomach.

I wasn't exactly sure what to do at that moment and I don't think Tina did either. "I'm sure it's fine she whispered."

She put her hand on top of mine and leaned her head on my shoulder "you're lying," I said slightly grinning "I know you are."

"I'm fine," she protested but I just rolled my eyes, "come on," I said

I climbed out of bed, but Tina just pulled the covers over her head, I walked over to her side, "Tina what are you doing?" I asked

"Sleeping," she said

I sighed and lifted the covers "No what are you really doing?" I asked

She turned on her side "I can't do it Newt, I can't have a baby I can't be a mother, I can't do it." She whispered

I got on my knees so I was at eye level with her, I brushed a piece of hair out of her face "what are you talking about, of course you can do it."

It still didn't seem to comfort her I picked up her hand and kissed the back of it, "how long have you been trying to hide the contractions from me?" I asked

"Not long only a few.....hours." She said softly

I shook my head "you are the most stubborn person I've met," I said "come on you could have a baby any minute,"

She still wouldn't move and a tear fell from her face "Newt I can't do it I'm scared, I'm going to be an awful mother and I can't go through the pain I'm to scared." She cried

"Hey," I said as I pulled the covers off of her, I sort of picked her up and she leaned on my chest, "Tina you're going to be a wonderful mother, and I'll be with you the whole time, it'll be ok now can we please go so you don't have a baby here?" I asked

She laughed "you promise it's going to be ok?"

I nodded "it'll be better then ok,"

I helped her out of bed against her protests, "Newt! I'm fine," she claimed.

"Really? cause a second ago you refused to move I just can't keep up with you," I said laughing.

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