|~Our Little Moment (pt 1)~|

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Next Day at school

Author POV
Everyone was starting to get into school and Adrien, Nino, Alya and Marinette were disscusing about what song they would perform in the talent show.

"I saw we do Sad Song like how we practiced yesterday." "No we should do something different" "Guys just calm down." Nino, Alya we're arguing while Adrien was trying to calm them down, if your wondering were Mari is she is designing outfits in her sketching sitting on a near by bench, and yes she was early today HALLELUJAH.

"Will all students and Teachers please gather in the hall I repeat, Will all students and Teachers please gather in the hall" Someone announced through the PA. (A.N :Idk if they have a hall but let's saw they do ok, ok.) Nino, and Alya stopped arguing ands Mari put her sketchbook away " We can discuss the song later, Cmon lets go" Alya said grabbing Nino's arm (A.N: ok this is where I need your help Idk what song they should sing so comment what song they should sing in the talent show, thanks "I wonder why they want us to go to the hall?" Adrien wondered. As they were walking to the hall they made some theories about why they had to go to the hall "I think I can tell you why they asked us to go to the hall." A voice said behind them, and when the turned around guess who they saw. Chloe and Sabrina, well Chloe then they saw Sabrina following her like a lost puppy holding Chloe's hand bag.

"So why did they call us to the hall huh?" Adrien asked folding his arms. "Well Adrikins, a very important person is coming back to school today Duh." Chloe said pushing up her sunglasses. "Oh is David back in town?" Nino said jokingly making Alya, Marinette and Adrien laugh. (A.N: Comment if you know which you tuber that came from)

"No, ugh your so annoying, Lila if back from Italy" Chloe said looking into her mirror. "Oh great..." Marinette Said "C'mon guys we gotta get to the hall" Alya quickly said pulling Marinette, Nino and Adrien away from Chloe

TimeSkip to hall with the power of Music

"Ok Students, I have gathered you all here today to announce that we are going to have an experimental day today!" Principal Damocles Said with joy. The Students started whispering until Principal Damocles interrupted there thoughts "Today we will be having a free day !!!!" Principal Damocles exclaimed will pride "All of the students started cheering and talking loudly until Principal Damocles interrupted them AGAIN "but there are a few rules." "Aww "Some students said with sorrow "First rule, don't leave the school ground unless you have permission from a teacher or you are going to the Dupain Cheng Bakery for food, Second rule you can go anywhere but rooms with red signs, Now go HAVE FUN" Principal Damocles said with joy

As students started breaking off an announcement was made "Can Alya, Nino and Adrien please go to the office thank you" "ugh I thought this was a free day" Alya Groaned "Cmon we gotta go" Nino Said grabbing Adrien and Alya "Wait, what about Marinette." Adrien said with concern "Don't worry about me, I will be in the music room if you need me Seeya." Marinette said starting to walk to the music room while Nino, Adrien and Alya went to the Office

Marinette's POV (This means she is thinking it)
Ok what to do... Oh I know I can practice my new Fav song I grab an guitar and start to play.

Third Person POV
As she started to play someone walked into the room but she did not notice.

I hope you enjoyed that chapter, try to guess who that someone is. And I would like to make a shout out to my friend Meow~Chan aka  , go take a look at her stuff. I hope you have an AMAZING DAY ~Luna

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