|~The Band's Beginning~|

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Marinette's POV

"Oh no I am gonna be late again" I thought, I was designing a new outfit for Alya last and I finished it but I fell asleep late. I was about to get into the the class on time until I  tripped near the door of the classroom and when I tripped I dropped Alya's outfit into a puddle.

"Haha look everyone, Maritrash fell again she is so clumsy Hahaha"Chloe said

I quickly got up and took the outfit out of the puddle and dried it as much as I could, then I walked to my table where Alya was waiting. Luckily Ms Bustier was late so I did not get in trouble. (A.N: Now who is late )

"Alya I am so sorry I dropped your new outfit in the puddle" I said to Alya, omg my clumsiness has made me drop something important again WHYYY

"Don't worry girl I know you can just dry it, even if it is a little wet, it still looks amazing" Alya replied.

Ms Bustier walked in and she told us that the school would be having a Talent show and the winner or winning group would get the change to compete in the Paris talent show and the winner or winning group would get tickets to Jagged Stones concert.

"Hey we should enter into the talent show, maybe we can be a band"

"OMG we should, I have always wanted to be in a ban-" I was about to say band until Alya stopped me and turned to the boys in front of us and asked them." Hey Nino, Adrien do you guys wanna join our band?" Omg she ask Adrien omg oh and Nino cool, but Adrien OMG

Adrien and Nino answered at the same time" Sure, whats the name of the band, woah, dude, that's weird, stop, stop, STOOOOOOPPPPPP!!!!" omg this is hilarious I saw that Alya was recording the whole thing and I high fived her and then I hit both Nino and Adrien on the head so that was when they stopped.(A.N: This part was based on a true story but when I told them about a band I used to like)

"Ok Ok so seriously what is the name of the band?" Nino asked still rubbing his head. "Actually we don't know, well any ideas?" Alya said and asked. Wait I have an idea" Hey how about we could be called the Miraculous Band because we all are Miraculous and it is an awesome word!" "OMG that's an amazing idea I like it how about you guys !?!" Both the boys nodded. "Ok then we are now called the Miraculous Band!!" All four of us cheered!!

"Oh Adrikins!!!!" Oh no I know that voice


A.N: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and if you don't like cliffhangers I am so sorry but it is fun hehe, well hope you enjoyed. ~Luna

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