Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

*Emma P.O.V*

I woke up to and unfamiliar ceiling. I stood up from my bed and see all kinds of boxes that says 'Emma's Things' and then it hit me. We just moved here from New Jersey.

We moved down south just because dad got sent here for his job.

If you're wondering what job he has he is a doctor. He got a better offer so we loaded up and moved here to Georgia.

It is the middle of summer and the temperature is hot. When i stood up and stretched my back, popping multiple times.

I got clean close and walked into my bathroom right across from my bedroom.

I hooked my iPhone up and started to play my favorite artist Katy Perry.

"I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath

Scared to rock the boat and make a mess

So I sat quietly, agreed politely

I guess that I forgot I had a choice

I let you push me past the breaking point

I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything"

After multiple songs i was finished and was stepping out of the shower.

My brown hair was dripping onto my back while i was getting my clothes on.

I decided on some jean shorts with a t shirt. Pretty right? My hair came down to the middle of my back in waves when natural.

I looked at my phone to see it is 1:04 pm. "Mom, i going to walk around town!" I yelled

"Need money, honey?"

Her voice came from the living room so i decided to walk in there so i won't have to yell again.

"I have my own, thanks though mom." She just smiled at me looking tired.

I turned on my heels and grabbed my phone and wallet on the way and started walking down the sidewalk.

Kids was out playing and laughing while they was playing hop-scotch.

I was busy smiling at the kids having fun that i wasn't even paying attention where i was walking.

Before i knew it i bumped into somebody and stumbled back from the impact.

"Oh sorry" we said in unison

I looked up into brown eyes.

"Hi, I am Mr. Johnson I am a teacher at the school. You must be new here." He extended his hand out for me to shake. He is about 6 feet tall an looks to be in his mid-thirties. He has short dark blonde hair.

"I'm Emma Jackson, and yes i'm new here." I smile politely and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you miss Jackson. I guess i will be seeing you in class once school starts back up in a few weeks then?"

"Yes sir you will." I smile at him while i walked away.

I wake past a park on my way there and saw kids having fun on the swings and slides until one fell and hurt his elbow.

I'm guessing it was his mother ran over and started to comfort the crying kid. His mom kissed his boo boo and he jumped up and ran back over to the slides.

I walked into a bakery to see a attractive brown curly haired boy looked to be a year older than me.

He heard someone walk in due to the bell above my head on the door that rang every time a customer walked in.

He jerked his attention away from his phone to look at me. He stood up and rushed over to the counter. He peered down at me with dark green eyes. He looked to be around 6 feet tall.

"Hi love, i'm Harry, Harry Styles."
He smirked


Ta-da! That's the first chapter make sure to comment on what you thought about it and tell what i need to fix.

You can follow me on twitter if you'd like(: @xlulux88


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