Maybe Some Hope?

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After what felt like years and hours of work, I got my program finished and I was proud of myself because well... my coach wanted to push my limits into something new, something I haven't learned.
Now what I had to do was I guess to the try out thing they do for people in Japan to see who's best, I guess. And to be honest, I have no idea on how any of this works. It is my first Grand Prix. I don't really watch the Grand Prix because I didn't want to see how bad I was compared to other skaters.
Everyday in ballet, in my room, and skating, I've been practicing the moves. (C/n) told me I needed my self choreograph done now. I wanted to impress everyone, so I've practiced a famous move by Victor Nikiforov; the quad flip. My coach always yells at me when I fall, because he says, "it should be easy for a girl with stamina like your's, considering the fact that you have more stamina than Victor."
"Yes, Coach (c/n)," I nod and try all of the moves again, starting from simple, to complex.
My coach stares at me with a glare, a glare because he sees the potential in me and he wants me to win. A glare because if I don't try hard enough, I disappoint my family and him.
I went farther until I was over my limits. The quad flip wasn't as hard, but then now I had to face my other jumps like toe loops. Not as hard to do those, but I had to doe them right away in the correct pattern. I was confused and stressed, but didn't give up. Giving up was just losing, just earlier.
After about an hour, I finally finished it perfectly. I wanted to collapse and cry, which I ended up doing. I was so proud of myself and I could tell coach was too, because through my blurry vision, he had a huge smile. Tears slid down my cheeks and I tried to wipe them away, but I couldn't. They were tears of joy, exhaustion, and stress.
Forcing myself to get up, I ignored the tears and tiredly skated towards the rink exit, then walked to the locker room. I got dressed and walked out, still crying.
My head was down and I ended up running into someone. Looking up, I saw light blue eyes and gray hair. He looked down at me slightly, he was only a slightly bit taller, and his arm was grasped around the small of my back, to make sure I didn't fall. A blush made me smile, though the redness of the blush just blended in with the blotches of red from crying.
"(F/n)? Why are you crying?" He wiped my eyes, getting some make up on thumb, though he didn't mind. Before I answered, I heard Yuri.
"Victor! I'm finally here! Let's go" -he stopped- "Victor... what's wrong?"
Footsteps of the 23 year old got closer and his hand softly grabbed Victor's arm. "Everything is fine with me, Yuri. It's (F/n) I'm worried about," he turned to Yuri, leaving me, facing Yuri, with a red face with black smeared from my makeup.
"She's fine, Victor and Yuri, just tired," (C/n) ruffled my hair. Looking down, I nodded and put my backpack straps over my shoulder so I could get home faster.
Before I started running, Victor grabbed my wrist and pulled me in for a hug, "if you do need someone to comfort you or anything else, Yuri and I will help you."
My heart thumped. I'm sure he could hear it and feel it through the hug. "O-okay," I shyly hugged back before running towards the direction of my home.

Coach never caught up with me, he probably went home to his wife and kids. Opening the door, I quietly walked in and set my bag down. Wiping my eyes, I made sure I looked happy for mom, "mom! I'm home!"
She zipped out of her room and hugged me," thank goodness! It was getting late and I was worried!"
"Sorry mom. We just stopped to have a tiny chat with Victor and Yuri, that's all. Shall we eat?" I asked, trying to lift my mom's spirit. "Oh yes! I made (f/d) [favorite dish] for dinner. Coach called me and told me how proud he is and this is how I wanted to show you how proud I am of you," my mom said, a tear of joy sliding down her face.

"Mom never cry! You don't ever have to show me how proud you are because I always know you'll be proud, no matter what!" I smiled and hugged her.
"Yeah yeah! Let's stop with this sappy stuff and go eat!" She laughed, causing me to laugh.
Why does everyone have hope that I'll win? Is it because I have a coach? Is it because Victor isn't skating this season? They all have hope that I'll win and don't want to let them down. I smiled at my mom and we headed off to the kitchen, telling jokes and laughing. We acted like nothing changed, even though a lot did, but we didn't care. We were together, hopeful that I'll win. Though, I didn't care about getting gold or winning first place, I just cared about making everyone proud. Making my dad proud.

My dad would've wanted to see this, this moment that my mom and I are having. He would be my coach and he would be telling my mom everything that I accomplished and everything I needed to work on. Then, he would be a normal father again, supportive and would be crying. He would be crying because he little girl that he trained to be a famous figure skater, would be going off to the Grand Prix to become something he hoped she would become.

I'm sorry if this kinda sucked. I was trying to make a sappy, cute, sad part and this is what turned up.

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