Chapter one ~

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You always read about how love starts off when you meet someone that completely takes your breath away. You know, that moment when your throat dries up, your heartbeat quickens, you get goosebumps, and you feel a bit dizzy, the works. But my twisted love story didn’t start off like that, my love story wasn’t what I had expected and maybe that’s what made it something to cherish.

But I guess before I tell you the ending to my story, I should start back at the beginning, back when I thought it wasn’t going to be hard. When I thought I could have a relationship that wasn’t really a relationship. A “relationship” that had no label, had no feelings, which had no strings attached. Looking back now, it all started when my four best friends decided they wanted me to visit them in LA. America did always seem to be the place where trouble started; I guess I just never really took that too seriously. Until now.


“Jaden, what are you doing?”

Calum’s voice echoed from my laptop as I lifted myself onto my tippy toes to reach for my suitcase, which had been placed on the top of my wardrobe. It had been the first time in years since I had to get it down, and already I felt like giving up.

“I’m trying to reach my suitcase; I must have shrunk since I put it up there.” I cooed back as I heard a faint laughter coming from my bed.

“How adorable, J.”

“Shut up Cal.” I complained back as his laughter seemed to get louder, today was the day I was heading to LA to see him and the boys and I couldn’t be more excited. Finally reaching my suitcase and throwing it onto the floor beside me, I can’t help but to grin.

“Jaden are you ok? Did you fall over again?”

Calum’s voice seemed to sound a bit more serious now, but no matter how hard he tried, he still sounded like he was joking around. Rolling my eyes amused, I crawled onto my bed before pulling the laptop towards me.

“Nope, the suitcase fell.”

“You should really be more careful J. Your face is what kept you around this long.”

Calum smirks at his little joke as I pouted and flipped him off sourly, making him laugh even harder. Calum was one of my best friends, but I felt closer to him then rest and I wasn’t really sure why.

“You’re a dick. I could always cancel my flight?” I questioned smiling a little as Calum’s toothy smile turned into a little pout.

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Wanna make a bet?”

“Not really!”

Calum’s face generally looked hurt as I couldn’t help but to let out a small laugh, it was so easy to win an argument against him. Facing the laptop towards my closet I smile before hopping up.

“I need to pack my suitcase, or I’ll never get to the airport in time Cal.”

“Then pack? I’m not stopping you.” Calum answered back confidently as I shook my head.

“Well then I’ll text you when I am leaving?”

“What? Why can’t you still talk to me now, you’re only packing?”

“I feel weird packing with you watching Cal?” I moaned bothered as his faint laugh became defiant again.

“You are so weird J? What, are you scared I’ll see your underwear?” Calum mocked grinning as I leant closer to the laptop.

“Bye Cal.”

“Wait J! I didn’t mean it, please? I’m bored.”


“Jaden please let me stay, I promise I won’t watch.” Calum assured as I rolled my eyes before turning towards my wardrobe.

“Fine, but just do something to keep you occupied.”

“Can I still talk to you?”

“I suppose if you have to.” I teased laughing as I heard his soft grunt before the quiet sound of music being shared through the laptop.

Dragging all the clothes I could fit into my first suitcase, I groaned angrily as I tried desperately to close the lid. Pushing hard down on both sides, I finally get it shut. Sitting up stretching, I turn to the smaller suitcase I had gotten out earlier before opening it up and shoving in all the extra junk I was bringing along with me.

“Holy shit, how much are you bringing with you J?” Calum chuckled out over his music as I turn to face the laptop before turning back to finish packing.

“Just what I think I will need.”

“I didn’t realise that meant your whole wardrobe.” Calum pestered as I exhaled before ignoring him to finish up what I was doing.

Finally feeling like everything was set and ready to go, I pushed the suitcases towards the door before turning back to the laptop and leaning against my bed.

“Cal, I have to leave for my flight now? I’ll text you when I get to LA; you’re still picking me up right?”

“Is it time already? And yeah of course I’m still picking you up; I’m so excited to see you!” Calum cheered loudly as I laughed before standing up and yawning.

“I’m excited to see you to, talk soon Cal.”

“Yeah, have a nice flight cutie!” Calum murmurs as I turn off my laptop and unplug it from the wall.

Placing the remainder of loose objects into my carry bag, I quickly find myself pulling all my luggage into the living room before glancing up to see my mother standing beside the door. Giving her a quick nod and smile, she helps me to the car before hopping into the driver’s seat.


“Ready!” I muttered out before leaning into my seat and taking a slow breath. Today I was finally getting to see my best friends and I was beyond excited.

Watching the Sydney airport coming into view, my heart begins to flutter in my chest as we finally reach the drop off zone. Allowing my mother to help me put my luggage through check in, I turn to her grinning with anticipation.

“I’m going to miss you mum.”

“I’m going to miss you more Jaden, be safe and text me often.” My mother utters before pulling me into an awkward hug as I laugh quietly.

“Mum there’s going to be like an 18 hour time difference?”

“I don’t care, just text me anyway.”

Pulling back from her I can’t help but feel bad to leave her, taking in a deep breath I turn towards the gate of my flight. Walking through the doors I take one more glance towards my mother to wave before hopping onto the plane and taking my seat. It was going to be a long flight, but my excitement was slowly making the time worth it.

Placing my headphones into my ears, I turn up the music as I watch the plane take off. Soon enough I would finally be in LA, and finally I would be with my friends again. Let the fun begin. 

No Strings Attached ~ (A Calum/Ashton Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now