Chapter five ~

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The lingered smell of alcohol, sweat and deodorant filled my nose, as I tried desperately not to let go of Ashton and Michael as we went further into the crowded mass of hormonal teenagers. For the small apartment, there were a lot of people, and I couldn’t quite figure out how so many people could fit in such an enclosed space.

But I guess that's what makes parties so exciting. The minimal space between bodies, clashing against each other as the music and alcohol takes away all senses.  

Finally feeling the breeze on my bare skin and letting out a quick breath of relief, I glance over Michael's shoulder anxiously to see Calum and Luke on a couch already surrounded by half naked girls. Typical.  

Maybe I was a little jealous.  

Pushing my way around the formed group of girls, I can't help but to feel as if Calum was doing this on purpose. Crossing my arms sourly against my chest and ignoring the arrogant stares from the girls I had pushed, I notice Calum glancing up at me. He seemed to be watching my every reaction. With every glance, I noticed Calum’s eyebrows crease as his enchanting smile tilted in amusement.

Holding back a rude comment I turn to see Ashton watching me also with a similar expression, yet his was softer and more comforting. Looking between both boys, I decided to give Calum some of his own medicine.

Without a second of hesitation I find myself on Ashton's lap, as I smile playfully I feel him wrap his arms around my waist before pulling me deeper into his chest. Allowing my hands to rest on his knees, I glance towards Calum to see him desperately trying not to pick an argument. Lying against Ashton, I look up sweetly to meet his eyes as he returns a cheeky smile. I felt bad for using Ashton, but it was all I could think of at the time, that would make Calum angry. That would make him jealous.  

"What's wrong J?"

Ashton's words are muddled against the music pumping throughout the small apartment as I shake myself out of my thoughts.

"Oh, it’s nothing? Just lost in my thoughts...”

"What are you thinking about?"

"It doesn't matter. It’s nothing important."

"Are you afraid to tell me? Is it about something or someone I know?" Ashton mumbles into my ear laughing as I felt him poke at my side making me squirm against his body.

"Why do you think it's about someone?"

"Just a thought." Ashton teases back as I take in a slow breath, trying to keep my cool.

Feeling the music filling the awkward tension between me and Ashton, I watch bitterly as Calum is pulled to the dance floor by Michael and some girls. Trying not to display my anger, I stand up quickly before turning and reaching for Ashton's hand.

"Hey I have a great Idea! Dance with me?"

"What? Ashton asks confused as I roll my eyes.

"Dance with me?"

"You want me to dance with you?"



"Because tonight, I don't feel like trying to dance with some random. I want to have fun with you?"


"If you don't want to dance with me, I can ask Luke?" I spat out a little upset as Ashton took my hand quickly before getting up.

"No, Luke’s a shit dancer. Come on, I’ll show you how real men dance!" Ashton mutters out grinning before leading me towards the dance floor.

Allowing Ashton to pull us through the crowd until we had hit the center of the dance floor, I laugh amused as Ashton leans down towards my ear.

“I’ll show you the dance I do, to attract the ladies.” Ashton coos confidently as I can’t help but to roll my eyes before nodding.

“Show me how it’s done.” I whisper back cheekily against his ear before pushing away to give him the room he needed.

Observing Ashton waiting for the right moment in the song, I can feel my smile growing as I watch him start to frantically shake his body to the music. Holding back my laughter I place my hands to my face, as I can’t bear to watch Ashton’s attempt at ‘dancing’. Peering through my fingers, I admire Ashton’s figure as he manages to slowly get the timing of his movements with the song. Letting him continue for a little bit longer, I shake my head in embarrassment before walking towards him and grabbing his arms making him stop abruptly.

“What the fuck was that?” I snorted out laughing as Ashton’s laugh echoed with my own.

“That my friend was dancing.”

“No, that was someone having a seizure.”

“Hey! I’m not that bad.”

“I don’t know Ash, it was pretty bad.”

“Well enlighten me on how to dance J.” Ashton mumbles laughing as he steps back before stretching out his arms to clear some room on the dance floor for me.

Shaking my head in anxiously, I try to turn to escape as I feel Ashton grab my waist softly before pulling me against his body.

“Where do you think you are going missy.”

“I just remembered I can’t dance.” I protested blushing as I tried to push away from Ashton’s grip but it was hopeless.

“I danced for you, so now it’s your turn.”

Allowing Ashton to turn me around so I was now facing him, I feel my mind racing as his hands move against my skin. Not wanting to ruin the mood, I smile gently before placing my arms around his neck and slowly letting him sway our bodies to the music.

This moment in time was utterly perfect, but somehow I found myself searching for a jealous Calum and in the end I found him. He didn’t look pleased, but I didn’t see why he thought he could make me jealous and not realize I could do the same to him. Pulling back slowly so my eyes were in line with Ashton’s my smile grows as I lean up before kissing him on the cheek and then returning my head back to his chest. Time felt like it was speeding past, as me and Ashton danced together. I had almost forgotten about Calum, when he managed to reach us before tugging on my arm.

“Jaden, can we talk?” Calum hissed slightly annoyed as Ashton looks between us confused before pulling away from me smiling.

“She’s all yours Cal. I’ll see you later yeah?” Ashton murmurs towards me as I nod ashamed before watching him struggle through the crowd.

“What is your problem?” I spit in annoyance as I turn to Calum angrily before trying to walk off in the opposite direction. But Calum grabbed my arm before pulling me towards the front door.

“What is my problem? What about, what is yours? Why are you pretending to like Ashton?” Calum snorted as I can’t help but to laugh.

“What are you on about? We were just dancing.”

“I could see how you both looked at each other.”

Finally finding myself out in the hallway of the hotel and out of the small apartment, I felt like I could breathe again. Watching Calum shut the door behind him, I lean against the wall bewildered as Calum’s eyes focus on mine.

“Were you jealous Calum?” I asked smirking slightly as I notice Calum roll his eyes before leaning against the wall directly in front of me.

“Jealous? Why in the world, would I be jealous?”

“I don’t know, you tell me?”

Glancing at Calum shifting against the wall I sigh before pushing off the wall before walking towards him and slowly reaching out to take his hand. Calum was my best friend, it was hard for us to stay mad at each other. Observing his reactions, I smile as he matches my sigh before taking my hand in his.

“I’m bored of this party? Want to go back to our hotel, get drunk and watch movies?” I mumble softly leaning into his arm as he chuckles before nodding.

“Sounds like a great idea.” Calum jeered laughing before leading us both towards the elevator. Tonight was not over just yet.   

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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