So Far Away

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 "Throw it away,forget yesterday. We'll make the Great Escape..." My iPod deck sang to wake me up. It was Monday. Urgh, I hate Mondays.

I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes. Swinging my feet over the edge, I slid off the bed and made my way to the bathroom for a shower. I stripped down and waited for the water to warm.After a minute I hopped in. I let the water run down my neck and work out the knots that had formed while I was sleeping. I wet my hair and foamed it up with shampoo. I washed the rest of my body and rinsed off. I turned off the stepped out of the shower. I dried myself and walked over to my closet to choose my clothes for the day.

I dug around until I found some clean red skinny jeans. I put on a red and black zebra print tank top on with a plain black deep v-neck shirt on over it. I clipped on my checkered suspenders,brushed through my shortish black hair, tugged on my black TOMS and headed downstairs for breakfast.

I went to the island in the middle of our kitchen, sat down on a stool, and poured myself a bowl of Lucky Charms. A few minutes later my brother, Trace, came down to eat too. Our parents had already left for work. 

"Morning, Tool" I greeted.

"Morning, Brat." He replied.

My brother is 20, 4 years older than me, and in college. But he"s too lazy to get a job to pay for a dorm, so he just lives at home.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he mimicked my actions. Flipping his bright red and black hair out of his eyes, he took the seat next to me. He made himself a bowl of Cocoa Puffs. When we finished eating, we went out to his car. We pulled up in the back of my school. He always drops me off back here, because if he went where people could see him all the girls would surround the car. For some reason they find him extremely attractive. I don't see it.

I got out and met my friend Ashlyn at the door. She was gazing at my brother as he drove off. I told you girl fawned over him.

"Come on Ash, you know he doesn't like younger girls." I groaned at her and pulled her along.

"But he's SOOO yummy!"

"Ew! Shut up! He's my brother!" I gagged. Gross!

She giggled in response.

"So, what did you do over the weekend?" I asked Ash. Knowing very well that she spent it with her guy of the week.

"I was with Brandon..." She wore a guilty smile that she tried to hide behind her long blonde hair. She should know that I know better by now.

"Was he good?" I asked, poking her with my elbow, giving her one of those creepy best friend smiles. She laughed and pushed me. But as the world would have it, she pushed me right into the guy I've been crushing on forever. Ithan Wornor. He's totally adorable. He's tall, he has longish brown hair, and pretty,deep brown eyes. Hot right? Yeah, well she just shoved me into him. FUCK!

"Hey, Ivy." He said in his low sexy voice as he steadied me.

"I'm sorry!" I said back. Great with words right? Grr...

"It's fine. No worries. So how are you? We haven't talked in a while." He said. OMFG! He hasn't talked to me in 3 months, 4 days, 2 hours, and 49 minutes!" But, I mean, you know, who's counting...

"I'm good. You know, just living! Hahahaha...haha...ha..." Oh my god! You're so stupid Ivy! Stupid,Stupid,STUPID! Just living?! You couldn't come up with anything better?

"Haha," he laughed with an adorable small smile, "You're so cute sometimes."

As soon as the sentence left his lips he flushed a light pink. Whereas I turned bright scarlet with probably about the biggest, goofiest smile I could muster plastered on my face.

"I'll, um, see you around Ivy." He said, scratching his neck and quickly making his way down the hall.

I turned around and slapped Ash across the arm as hard as I could.

"ASHLYN FUCKING JOHNSON I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU!" I screamed as soon as Ithan was out of earshot.

"No, you should be thanking me. I just got you and him to talk! And he seemed totally into you! Did you see him blush?!" She gabbed at me.

I smiled hugely.

"Of course i saw him blush you dummy! It was the cutest thing I've ever seen!" It all came out in one breath. My cheeks hurt so bad from smiling I thought they were going to fall off.

"What did you say that made him blush like that?" She inquired, automatically assuming it was my fault he ran.

"It wasn't me, it was him! He called me cute and then ran away."

"He called you cute?! OMFG! In what context? Like 'Hey babe, looking cute.' or 'You're cute Ivy.'" She said mimicking his voice very poorly.

"More like the second one, Ash." I said with a laugh. She was so stupid. Although I know I'll probably act just how she is when the fact that he called me cute settles in my mind. For now though, she's just overreacting. It was a simple little blush. Maybe someone was behind me or something. Yep, that's what happened. I just know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2012 ⏰

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