Chapter Four

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"Now look what you did." Said John with a mean look.

"Me?! You said I was a pushover!"

John shrugged. "Yeah well, you reacted. How's that my fault?"

Paul was seething. "Look, I don't know why you had to take it out on me-"

"Oh, Princess Paulie can't take a little criticism." Mocked John.

"You're such an arse, John."

"Oh, now the sensitive little bugger has to resort to name calling..."

"I can't deal with you right now!" Paul yelled, pulling his hair and tears of frustration pricking his eyes. "Just leave me alone!"

"Poor Paulie can't handle me." John said innocently. 

"What did I ever do to you, huh?" Asked Paul with a tremble in his voice. "Name me one bloody thing!"

John looked at him closely. "Are you crying?"

Paul swallowed. "No."

"You are. You're crying."

"Am not crying."

"You are. I can't believe that you break so easily."

"I do not, Lennon!" Yelled Paul, slamming his fist into chest, which unfortunate action caused the tears in his eyes to unleash.

"Then why are there tears dripping down your face?"

"I...I" Paul stammered.

"Admit it-you're not strong enough to fight me." John said. 

Paul's head was spinning. In all his years if knowing John, he had never acted like this before. Something was seriously wrong with him.

"John, never acted like this towards me before. What's wrong?"

Paul regretted what he said, as soon as something dangerous crossed John's eyes. 

"What?" He growled. 

"W-what's wrong?" His voice quavered. 

John gave him a menacing stare. 


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