Chapter Six

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After John explained his condition to the others, they all got very worried. Jane went to comfort and cuddle Paul, while the others pondered on what they were gonna do with an injured Paul and no way to know where to go.

"Maybe Brian has figured out how long we've been gone and he'll come for us." Suggested Ringo.

George looked doubtful. "Brian has had appointments all day. I don't think he'll miss us."

This gloomy prediction made everyone feel bummed out. 

"I'm sure we'll think of something." Said Pattie optimistically. 

"We have to. Paul needs a doctor." Said Cynthia. 

Meanwhile, Jane was talking with Paul. 

"How are you feeling?" She asked, smoothing his hair over his head. 

"Much better." He gave her a loving smile which she returned. She was so worried about him. Please let him be okay, she thought. Please don't have a concussion....

Meanwhile, Ringo's stomach was growling. He tried hiding his hunger, but his uncomfortable expression on his face caused George to ask him what was wrong.

"It's nothing." He answered. "Really." He added, after seeing the skeptical look on George's face. 

He saw that Pattie and Cyn were wearing the same expressions, while pressing down on their stomachs to alleiviate the pain.

"You girls hungry?" He asked. 

Cyn nodded. "It's been hours since breakfast." 

Cyn was right, Ringo realized. And they all weren't planning on being in the woods for long, so they hadn't bothered packing a lunch. 

Ringo began to realize how desperate the situation they were in.

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