red winged devils, grey skinned princesses, and exchange homes

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In the Underworld

Marco sat up with a yawn before he got out of bed and stretched out his wings and other appendages while humming along to the screams outside his window, and from in his dungeon downstairs.

"What a great morning, the screams of the damed to greet me as I wake up and my powers are finally settling down." said Marco as he admired his hand which had over night grown claws.

Marco walked over to his mirror to see if anything else had changed and to his delight his eyes had changed, the iris had become a faintly glowing red while his wings had darkened into a blood red.

Marco smiled his reputation was about to get a boost "heheheh looks like the "safe kid" might gain a nickname."

Marco smirked remembering how he got that name his first time torturing someone he had been overly cautious about killing them.

So instead he used his knowledge of his fellow demons to use extremely painful yet not deadly methods of torture after a few hours though the other demon slipped into shock and died.

his parents were watching happily at their son's skill and jokingly called him the "safe kid" and the name just stuck especially after Marco took a job babysitting to earn his own money and the parents returned only to find Marco teaching the kids how to turtoure others...while the room was covered in pillows and cardboard.

"Marco!" yelled a voice from down stairs Marco turned to the stairs while picking up his mask after putting on his shirt and pants and walked down.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs Marco put on the mexican style mask and began to walk to the throne room.

Once he reached the throne room he bowed low to his parents "Greetings mother, father."said Marco while standing up and looking at his parents eyes giving them a smirk as he did so.

Marco's mom smiled at him "Your powers are settling in nicely I see." said Marco's mom as she got off her throne and examined his wings and eyes which now looked more like hers.

Marco's dad walked over and ruffled Marco's hair with his tentacles "Summon your magic I want to see your what type of magic you now possess."

Marco sighed and wiped his father's slime off his head before backing away from them a few steps and closed his eyes before concentrating.

After a few seconds a neon green flame like aura surrounded him before a pitch black flame grew near Marco's heart and suddenly the flames around Marco expanded quickly it slammed into Marco's parents and threw them into the walls near their thrones.

Hearing the crash Marco opened his eyes only to see his parents were against the wall and were struggling to get off of said wall so Marco let off of his magic and both his parents dropped to their knees once they were on the floor.

Marco ran over to them and helped them up "Are you guys ok?" he questioned only to be greeted with a smirk from both of his parents.

Marco's dad spoke first "I am very proud of you, you will bring alot of glory to us and your self once you gain control of your powers and to help with that we have a surprise for you."

Marco's mom spoke next "We are sending you to earth a neutral area where you could train to your hearts content." said Marco's mom as she clapped her hands excitedly.

"You will go to school while your there, and remember to practice your tentacles, heres the family magic book, and finally your exchange family will buy you more cloths and you will be sharing the home with another so have fun." said Marco's father while throwing a big book at Marco before snapping his tentacles somehow making a seal array appear on the ground.

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